Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Too Easy

I'm this floating cloud. Up, up, up amongst the sky where nothing is perfect. People are so easy to read...

Someone born into the light, molded by it, has principals to uphold. It is both destiny and responsibility combined. To only do what my Father commands - who are we to go against his wishes? Then, where is the room for freedom?

We are all suffering. The only thing that matters is what we choose to suffer for.


"What are you doing?"

In the old library, Cameron peered over Maya's shoulder. Her brow was furrowed in frustration as she struggled to fold a colourful piece of paper.

"Origami, duh." She gestured to the glowing laptop screen on the table. "These instructions are garbage! I don't understand this next step."

"Really? This step is really quite simple," he teased. "Here, let me show you."

Cameron took the paper from her hands and skillfully folded the paper into a diamond shape.

"Next, you have to fold up the corner here and apply the same step to all the other sides."

"I didn't expect you to be skilled at origami," Maya grumbled. "Tell me, is there something you're not good at?"

"Unfortunately, I can't think of anything like that."

"Ha-ha. Jerk."

He smirked at her reaction. "Well, practice makes perfect."

"How reassuring," she said sarcastically. "Easy for you to say, Mr. Perfect."

"It's of no consequence. We didn't come to this town to do paper crafts."

"I know that! This was only to pass the time. I haven't forgotten why we're here."

"Good." He gave her an affectionate pat on the head.

Maya hated when he treated her like a child. She stood, irritation flooding her veins.

"I give up, who cares about a silly piece of paper anyway."

She slammed her laptop shut and stormed off. He watched her go in mild amusement. With graceful hands, he picked up the abandoned paper.

"Always with that temper. Oh, how you still have much to learn..."

He left the completed rose on the desk for her to find.

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