This morning we picked up Merlin the Fish, the butterfly male betta I won from a contest held by a local breeder. I've placed him in a ten gallon aquarium temporarily, while I find my bearings. I'm not sure what to do with the three tanks I have running at my parent's house right now. My stocking options are roughly this:
26 gallon Fluval in living room - BAT tank
-buenos aires tetra x5
-zebra danios x7-8
-corydoras x5 (albino and elegens)
-otocinclus x4 (I HOPE)
-MAYBE cardinals? maybe? is the tank even large enough o_o
-amano shrimp x5?
-mystery snail x1 (Faker)
Merlin's tank - Moon tank 3.0?
-male betta x1
-harlequin & lambchop rasbora x??? (I have a lot... need to count stock)
-nerite snail x1 (Snorlax)
Fluval Flex 15
-female betta x1
-ember tetra x3
-allllll my pygmy cories (don't know how many are alive still o__o)
I might put my oto's in the pea puffer tank of 37 gallons, depending on how established at the time of the move. I am planning for this Saturday.
Last night, Peter and I watched Everything Everywhere All at Once. It was a heartwarming story, and very funny.
The movie helped me appreciate the smaller things in life, such as daily life with a loved one, even when the day is filled with mundane tasks. Peter has been working so hard to support our home. He made a delicious dinner last night and even made soup for us, which we ate with some macaroni today for lunch. I feel so fortunate to have such a kind man as my partner. And he even lets me litter the house with aquariums, ha ha ha.
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