Monday, March 8, 2021


Everyone was making kiddos with their MC, so I figured I should hop on the bandwagon lol.

Riyon - concept design haha. He has 2 toned eyes, one brown and one blue, and blond hair like Akari. 

He loves sweets and fizzy things like soda to the point where he can be bribed with candy or dessert. After all, he is just a kid.

At times he can be moody, letting his temper get the best of him. His raw magical power is extremely high, making him dangerous when on a rampage. He has a blessed bow of light that he can summon on command.

He came from the future and arrived on White Day. One of Solomon's spells somehow pulled Riyon into MC's current timeline.

Cyrena - unsure about her hair style but poofy like her father makes sense. One streak of her hair is her mother's hair colour.

Much like her father, she is the perfect angel. She can sing, dance, and play the harp and flute with ease. While she detests violence, she can fight if she must, and wields a blessed naginata (spear) of light. 

She came from the future and arrived on White Day. One of Solomon's spells somehow pulled Cyrena into MC's current timeline.

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