Monday, March 22, 2021

Lesson 52

Akari couldn't even begin to describe her emotions on that long, overnight train ride home. The cool breeze caressed her face as the train pulled itself lazily through the mountainside, and the dark horizon was littered with millions of tiny stars. Simeon was leaning casually against the railing, as still as an elegantly carved statue and just as impossibly handsome, though there was a weariness to him that she couldn't help noticing.

"Feeling worn out?"

At the sound of her voice, he turned to face her, the easy smile he always wore quick to return to his face.

"Oh, Akari. How long have you been standing there?" 

"Quite a while, actually." She chuckled. "It's no wonder you didn't notice me. There seems to be a lot on your mind."

Simeon hesitated. He was an angel after all, and his belief was that he should always be capable and strong to set a good example for others, but at this moment he wasn't sure he could.

"It seems the fairies did quite a number on me, too," he chuckled. "Seeing Lucifer and his brothers in their angel forms again reminded me of how things used to be. But the Celestial Realm is different now, and when I think about the reality of everything, I can't help but feel a bit depressed."

A slight apprehension washed over him. Would Akari think less of him? She was peering at him with an unreadable expression. For some reason he was expecting her to berate him, but she stepped forward to close the distance between them and he felt her arms circle around him.

"I'm sorry," Akari mumbled, pressing her cheek into his chest. "I had no idea you were feeling that way."

She glanced up at his face, so close to hers, and gazed into his eyes. The smell of his cologne and his close proximity made her heart pound wildly, but at that moment she didn't care. She wanted to be close to him, to feel him and comfort him in his time of need.

"I know things aren't the way they used to be, and that's always sad. But there are new and wonderful things to look forward to and appreciate. I want you to know that, Simeon."

"Ah... thank you." 

Simeon blushed, returning the hug as best he could. She was so warm, and the faint scent of flowers wafting from her hair reminded him of walking through a grassy meadow in the Celestial Realm. 

"I'd really like to kiss you right now," he murmured. "Is that okay?"

The butterflies wouldn't leave her stomach and her heart felt like it might explode, but Akari nodded. 

"Go ahead..."

Simeon's hand moved to cup her face in his palm and she shyly placed her hand over his. She closed her eyes and the feeling of his silky lips pressing against hers made her head spin. He tasted as sweet as cinnamon, his tongue as smooth as velvet as he licked into her mouth. 


When he finally pulled away, she found herself craving for more. Was this the addictive kiss of an angel, or was she finally acknowledging the feelings she held for him all along?

For a brief moment in time, the polished veneer Simeon had painted to protect and hold himself together had peeled away. But the moment was over as quickly as it began.

"I've kept you for too long, haven't I? I should let you get some rest. Good night, Akari."

An ache tugged at Akari's heartstrings at the sight of his retreating back. Impulsively, she reached out and caught his hand in hers. 

"Wait! I want to be together a little longer. Please?"

Monday, March 15, 2021

Part 2

I'm sooo addicted to this game and it's become a daily staple for me. I love the characters and the world and letting my imagination fill the blanks in with my own desires. Such as... worldbuilding and loving my OC's again.

Akari's D.D.D. is a sparkly glitter white. Kiria's probably has a leaf or flower pattern in gold or green or both on black. These two babies are basically foils of each other haha. It's so crazy how I based them off my younger and older self and how much I've matured and changed. I cherish all my experiences and don't regret anything though because God leads me where he needs me to be. Because of that, I have such a unique testimony and can interact with such a large variety of people.

But I digress. I just wanna think about my girls in the Devildom and the details haha.

So... because Kiria is a seasoned witch, she doesn't need as much protection as the newbie Akari. Therefore she has a room at P.Hall, as previously stated, while A has MC's room in HoL. However, Kiria has a party girl attitude and is always out on the town until late, much to Simeon and Luke's disapproval. Solomon often joins her, and although she claims he isn't her type, she'll still wake up in his bed after a long night. 

Kiria is a bit of a wild card and troublemaker. She'll mouth off to others and has quite the fiery temper, so she won't hesitate to hex those who rub her the wrong way. She likes to drink and smoke and gamble with Mammon, and one time Mammon gave her some Devil's Hash which caused her to pass out and miss an entire day of school. Lucifer found out and strung the both of them up from the ceiling, much to her dismay. Akari saw this and never wants to experience it, nope not in a million years.

For some reason, the two girls seem to get along well despite their immense differences. Kiria is always trying to get Akari's confidence up, and Akari tries to look out for Kiria's well being.


The latest event has to do with a sakura petal Mammon got that possessed the soul of a princess who died before she could confess her love. The demon brothers and MC went to a small town in Japan to return the petal to its rightful resting place. Once they've done so, they decide to have a picnic under the blossoming sakura trees.

Kiria scoffs and comments that she doesn't believe in regrets. 

Asmo: Not even when it comes to never being able to confess your love? (shock)

Kiria: No ragrats, not even one.

Lucifer: It sounds like you've never been in love before. (slight smirk)

Kiria: That's not true. (glares at Lucifer) I just believe that feelings can change. That's all.

She glances to the ground, fiddling with the hem of the checkered picnic blanket.

Akari is listening to the conversation with Belphegor’s head resting on her lap. She doesn't quite know how the youngest brother managed to get his way again, but notes that he often does. 

She sips on her beverage and for a brief moment, notices Kiria's forlorn expression, a look rarely seen on the fiesty girl's face. In a flash it was gone and Kiria's usual easygoing smile was back, leaving Akari to wonder if she'd imagined it.


There's a boy named Tomio who befriends Akari at RAD. He's a kitsune spirit and also an exchange student. He stands at 5'2" to Akari's 5'5". He's open and friendly to her despite playing occasional tricks on her, mostly to steal her food and cause her to become flustered in front of the people she admires. She eventually learns to bring extra food for him.


As for Akari and Simeon, well, they natural spend more time together as Luke continues to befriend her, inviting her over to hang out and enjoy each other's company over tea and sweets. Akari occasionally stays over on the weekend when Lucifer allows it, spending time with Luke until he falls asleep.

In the late hours she heads to the kitchen, encountering Simeon. He's wearing long pajama pants and a tank top, clothes that she's never seen him in before. Her eyes were drawn to his alluring shoulders and she notes how attractive he looks in anything. 

Simeon: Couldn't sleep?

Akari: I was just getting some water.

He smiles kindly at her, in his usual refined way. He pours her a glass and sits with her on the couch, holding his own cup of tea.

Simeon: Thank you for spending time with Luke. He's very fond of you.

Akari: No need to thank me. I feel the same way about him. 

Simeon: He isn't the only one who is fond of you. 

Akari swallows slowly, lifting her gaze from the glass in her hands to the angel's face. 

Akari: Simeon... 

The sound of a door clicking open and footsteps. Kiria and Solomon arrived home, the sorcerer's arm tight around the witch's waist. 

The pair glanced at the two sitting on the couch. A grin spread across Kiria's face.

Kiria: Hey! Are you two...?

Akari: We're just having a midnight chat, that's all.

Kiria: Sure, sure. (snickers and narrows her eyes) Have a good night then. Maybe you should join us for a night on the town sometime.

Solomon: I dare say that would be good fun.

Everyone says their good nights and heads to their respective rooms, with Akari quietly slipping back into Luke's.


March Forward

Yesterday I started working out again. I dragged my butt to the gym and used the elliptical and row machine, two of my go-tos. I'm planning to lift weights later on once I've gotten into the hang of things, though I've started with dieting aka portioning rabbit food. What a p a i n but gotta get that summer bod! I'll still eat a cheat meal once a week though. My anniversary is coming up so I know my partner wants to take me out to eat omakase on this upcoming Sunday. 

I'm trying to take breaks from social media to instead force my mind to create, write, or express my thoughts and feelings. I've been reaching out to God more regularly throughout the day to ask for His grace. I want to embody Jesus. I want people who interact with me to see Him. It's my own personal thing and it's a hard goal because I'm an impatient and selfish person at heart. But I'm also bad at hyping up my good qualities so those are chains I need to break free from as well.

There's a lot going on in my life that I don't write about; I suppose the same could be said for anyone. I'm getting a lot of custom art done these days. Although most of the pieces are Obey Me! related, one piece is a custom drawing of Keanu Reeves as a viking, done by a new hire at work that I'm training. He's printing this onto a hoodie and t-shirt for me and that's to commemorate the training class, which we've dubbed Team Keanu. New hire facilitating has been a challenge, but also such fun. Not only that, but I've been learning plenty and growing as a person, and that's neat. 

Maybe I can come back to my roots again. That would be nice. 

I wanna talk about the latest event in the game too but I suppose I'll save those ramblings for part 2.


Monday, March 8, 2021


Everyone was making kiddos with their MC, so I figured I should hop on the bandwagon lol.

Creator ???

I feel like I've somewhat lost my way and the past several YEARS have been a huge and messy WIP to try and get myself back on track. I need to start focusing on myself and my own happiness. I have so many friends supporting me and yet the biggest hurdle in the way of my fun is my damn self!

In any case, I managed to churn out an art piece: Akari in her signature heart cutout dress. I'm struggling with her personality and interests, like, a lot. Because I'm so rusty when it comes to character creation haha. I'm going to spitball and see where this takes me...