Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Every human's greatest wish is to be known. Truly, truly known, and accepted by someone they care about and feel connected to. This is the deepest level of intimacy, and I would imagine a lot of people do not even come close to scratching the surface of "knowing" their other half or those around them.

Does anyone even really know themselves? I find myself trying harder and harder to live in the present, striving to become more connected to this world and my own body.

A lot of people are afraid to let themselves be vulnerable and hurt by others, and this is OK. Your brain is biologically wired to defend you, protecting you from threats and harm -- just like in prehistoric times. The difference is, in present times, your brain still doesn't realize sad emotions and vulnerability won't kill you. Still, the brain does a wonderful job in putting up walls and defences to numb us to situations that may end up hurting us... but, in putting up this subconscious defence... this can create a serious block when trying to find that level of connection (that feeling of being known) to someone else.

I am slowly practicing on how to slow down my thoughts, accept compliments more easily, shrugging off negativity, and living life how I want to and following my own beliefs and values.

I got my nails done today~ This is my September~November set. (─‿‿─)v

I love the flowers, and the ring finger being pink with the pearl bow and coloured jewel in the center~

I was originally planning to get white nails with the ring finger covered in large sparkles, but when I arrived at the salon I picked this charming design instead. I think it's absolutely fabulous! White is so classy. *:・゚✧

I think it's really sweet of everyone who appreciates my style. I admit, I am the type of gal who enjoys shopping for pretty dresses and high heels, and I also love getting my hair and nails done. Make-up as well... I'm just an all-around girly-girl. Heh--☆

Oh, and I just want to say, I love David Guetta's music! That type of music is my absolute favourite and always gets me pumped!!! Song behind the cut. :3

It's my blog, I can do what I want~~ -- The one and only time I will reference one of Miss Cyrus's songs. Ha!

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