Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Wonders of OTK Socks

Angelic Pretty makes the most adorable... socks. That's right, socks! I find myself yearning to buy loads and loads of their delightfully patterned lolita legwear. It's a shame that most of the prints I want aren't easily found. ;_; /cry

I've always had a weakness for lolita socks and I have bought a handful of them at exorbitant prices. I guess I should start spending that money elsewhere! But they are just too cute (*´▽`*)

Royal Chocolate - Mocha
image: angelic pretty

Dude!!! These have little gingerbread men + cakes on them! XDDD But they are socks from an old print. I found them in black on mbok, but I don't know if I really like black.


Country of Sweets - Ivory
image: angelic pretty

There's a pair I want from Baby's AaTP brand too~ but this design is still sold on their website. =3

image: alice and the pirates

It's kind of a waste to spend a lot on legwear though. Tights are a far more versatile and money-saving investment. A lot of lolita don't bother with fancy socks and opt to save that money to put towards dresses. Off-brand legwear is more conventional as well, because socks tend to get ruined quickly so spending a lot on them isn't very smart. (This is my rational mind attempting to kick sense into my consumerist self...)

On a different note, my girlfriend has taken up an interest to get fit through doing more exercise, possibly going to hot yoga with me. I am not entirely sure why she suddenly likes hot yoga, but the other day she went and bought some Lululemon shorts. (一。一;;) I never thought I would see the day...

Thanks for visiting~!

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