Friday, July 19, 2024

Lena sat on the balcony, the cool night air brushing against her skin. She gazed out at the fireflies twinkling in the distance, her thoughts swirling with the incredible news Aki shared with her earlier. She couldn't believe Aki was with child! Lena's heart was full of emotions: joy, awe, and a deep sense of happiness for her sister. However, there was also a sense of fear. If Aki and Hizen were able to conceive, what did that mean for her and Mikazuki?

Beside her, Mikazuki sat enjoying the peacefulness of the night. Lena turned to him, eyes wide with uncertainty. "Mikazuki, I need to talk to you about something," she whispered, as if someone would hear their conversation if she wasn't careful.

Mikazuki turned his full attention to her. "What is it, Lena?" he asked gently.

Taking a deep breath, Lena recalled the conversation she had with Aki earlier. "Sister Aki... is pregnant," she began, watching Mikazuki's face for any sign of surprise. "She told me today. And the father... is a Touken Danshi."

"That is truly remarkable," Mikazuki said. His voice was calm as ever, though Lena thought she saw a flicker of surprise across his face for a mere instant. "Aki must be overjoyed. You, Lena... you seem overwhelmed."

Lena nodded. "I am. I can't fully understand how this is possible. I thought she could not... I thought humans could not have children with Touken Danshi! And now, because of some magic, Aki is going to be a mother! ...What do you think about all of this, Mikazuki? About discovering that a Touken Danshi is involved with Aki's pregnancy? Do you think it's a blessing or something to be cautious about?"

She had so many questions and seemingly no answers. Mikazuki reached out and took Lena's hand, his touch warm and reassuring. Then he said, "I believe this is a blessing, Lena. Aki and Hizen have been given the chance to create a life together, something only possible if both of them wished for it. Of course, there comes a responsibility. They will need to navigate this new path together, but we must have faith that they will find their way." 

"I never said it was Hizen," Lena said, noticing that Mikazuki had used Hizen's name. Mikazuki laughed, "What? After all this time, it's obvious. They are head over heels for each other."

Lena couldn't help but smile at Mikazuki's calm certainty about Aki and Hizen. He always had a way of making complex situations feel simple. But despite his reassurances, there was one thing above all that Lena had to know.

She took a deep breath and began again, "Mikazuki... Seeing Aki so happy and knowing she is going to have a child... made me think... about us."

"What are you thinking, Lena?" 

Lena hesitated, searching for the right words. "If Aki and Hizen can have a child because of this magic, what does that mean for us? Could we... I mean... is it possible for us to have a child together?"

Mikazuki paused for a moment, gaze drifting over to the fireflies dancing like tiny stars. "The connection between a Saniwa and a Touken Danshi is unique, bound by more than the physical. The connection is woven with history, magic, and deep emotions. If this magic has made it possible for Aki and Hizen, then... perhaps there is a way for us, too."

"But would you want that?" Lena asked, her voice trembling. "Would you want to have a child with me?"

Lena's heart pounded, she felt vulnerable, her emotions laid bare under the starlit sky. Mikazuki had always been her anchor, but now, she needed more than his calm reassurance - she needed to know if he shared her deepest hopes and fears.

Her eyes began to fill with tears. She knew her family was not exactly 'perfect'. Aki had Katsu and her two parents, a complete and happy family. Lena held doubts about her ability to be a mother, because she was not even close to her own parents. In fact, she never even considered that she would find love, when she decided to become a Saniwa or a shrine maiden like her Grandmother. Now, right before her was the prince from her dreams, and the reality of a family was actually possible?

Mikazuki took both her hands in his. He sensed how important this was to her. "The thought of having a family with you fills me with joy. If that is something you wish for, then it's something I wish for as well. Whatever the future holds, whether it's just the two of us or a family, I will be by your side."

"Creating a life with you," Mikazuki continued, "is something I've thought about more than you might realize. It's a dream I've held close to my heart, even if I never spoke it aloud."

Lena's tears overflowed, streaming down her cheeks as she leaned against him. "You make everything seem possible," she whispered, wrapping her arms around him tightly. "I love you so much! I can't imagine my life without you!"

As if to shield her from the weight of her own fears, Mikazuki held her close. They shared a kiss together under the blanket of stars, the fireflies dancing around them like tiny guardians of their dreams. 

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