Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Feb 15th - Chadwick Boseman

Writing my piece for my company's black history month project. I've chosen Chadwick Boseman because he really moved me.

Chadwick Boseman was an American actor, widely known for his role as the iconic King T'challa in Black Panther (2018). In stark contrast to his blockbuster stature today, it may be surprising to know that Boseman didn't land a significant movie role until he was in his mid-30s. Now, we would be hard-pressed to find a household who has not heard of the salute "Wakanda Forever", a gesture of Black excellence around the world.

"Black people are heroes too." This is the message Boseman brings to the big screen with his roles, and not only with Black Panther. He has portrayed Black Americans of colossal historical importance such as James Brown, Thurgood Marshall, and Jackie Robinson, to name a few. For Boseman, it went beyond showing that a Black superhero could be successful on the big screen, it was about reiterating that there is a place in this world for Black individuals and creating stories that exemplify that world we want to see. 

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