Friday, February 26, 2021

The True Meaning of Master

    Chapter 1: It Begins

It was the end of another busy week at the Quarantine World headquarters. One of the co-founders, Creator K or "Karin" as she more commonly went by, was finishing paperwork in the office when a series of knocks from the door caught her attention.

"Come in," she called.

A young man entered the room, dressed in a dark blue robe that was embroidered with crescent moons. Karin's concentrated expression softened at the sight of her oldest 'son'.

"Matt! How unlike you to show up unannounced. I was expecting to see T.K. at the door."

Matt bowed his head briefly and smiled coyly before saying, "Can't I come to see my dear mother whenever I want?" 

"Don't joke around like that!" Karin threw her arms up in mock exasperation. "You get that flirtatious side from me, you know."

"Hehe. I am sorry to disturb you, but there is a matter that needs to be addressed immediately. Your presence is required in the lobby."

Karin furrowed her brows together at the news; she had a foreboding feeling that she already knew what this was all about. She let out a sigh and gathered her paperwork neatly into a pile before reaching for her jacket. 

"All right, let's go and handle this then, shall we?"

They took the elevator down to the main floor of the Quarantine World headquarters. There, they found the secretary locked in a heated argument with a man standing at the front desk.

"I've told you this once before, and I'm growing tired of having to tell you again, but you aren't allowed to just come in here!" Hokusai was practically pouting as she spoke. "Arjuna, go home!"

Arjuna tossed his wavy brown hair out of his face and gave Hokusai a very nasty glare.

"That won't be possible," he declared. "I won't leave until I've accomplished my goal." 

"And what goal might that be?" Matt inquired, more out of curiousity than anything.

Arjuna turned to face Karin, who found herself shrinking behind Matt and Hokusai, using their bodies to shield her from Arjuna's piercing gaze.

"That girl there." He jabbed a finger right in Karin's direction. "I've decided that I want her to be my Master."


Karin's jaw dropped. She had heard whisperings of this Servant's existence, but in her stubbornness, decided to ignore him for the most part. The fact that he came all the way to Quarantine World from his world -- and what was his world, again? Chaldea? -- to confront her was quite impressive.

"Yes. I, Arjuna, am pleased for the chance to earnestly serve you."

"Well, you're in for some bad news," Hokusai said flatly. "Lady Karin already has a Servant. And it's not you!"

"We shall see about that." Arjuna's words sounded somewhat like a threat. "Mark my words. When it comes to you and I, you will surely recognize my greatness."

PJ Karter, the other co-founder of Quarantine World, walked into the building right as Arjuna was leaving. Hokusai's eyes lit up and she shot upright with a cheesy smile on her face when she spotted him.

"Lord Master!" she greeted cheerily. "Welcome back." 

"Hello, everyone. What was that all about?" Karter asked, and shot Karin a quizzical glance. "Why was Arjuna here, of all people?"

"Don't ask me! I don't know! And I don't plan on finding out." Karin bit her lower lip and peered at Karter from over Matt's shoulder.

"Maybe he just really wants a mana transfer," Hokusai joked, to Karin's dismay.

"DON'T mention anything about that. It's NOT happening!"

"Oh, Karin, your face is so red," Karter noted, grinning along with Hokusai. "Could it be that you're one of the naughty ones who view it as a physical transfer?"

"Shut up," Karin moaned, burying her face into her hands. "It's NOT like that. It's not!"

"Whatever you say," Karter said with a smirk. "Come on Hokusai, we have some grocery shopping to do before dinner."

"Yes, well. I'll be on my way! See you next week, Lady Karin, and you too, Munechika," she said, turning to bid farewell to Matt as well. "Try and have a good weekend."

Karter and Hokusai left hand in hand. Karin sighed heavily but the release of air from her lungs did little to relieve the stress she felt on her shoulders. What was she going to do with these FGO invaders?!

    Chapter 2: It Continues

Matt escorted Karin back to her home, where she lived next to two spritely angel neighbours from the Devildom. Despite the fact that it was five o'clock in the evening, Simeon was out sweeping his porch like an old man. He waved to Karin when he saw her approach. 

"My, my. You and your... son, are quite the pair." As he spoke, Simeon's eyes swept over them both. It was hard to tell what he meant by that, but he often was hard to read. "Any plans for the weekend, Karin?"

"Nothing really!" Karin said shyly. "Try and survive until Monday, I guess."

"If that's the case, why don't you come over for dinner tonight? I've cooked up a special meal featuring dishes from the Celestial Realm. It should be ready any minute now."

"What a generous offer, Simeon. Sure, I'll take you up on that." 

"I'll have to respectfully decline," Matt said. "I have made prior engagements with Ootengu."

"Ahh, yes. You were going to help him style his hair differently or something? Oh, don't tell me he's actually set on dyeing his hair black?" Karin frowned. "Well, regardless, you two have fun. Simeon, I'll be right over as soon as I get freshened up."

Karin changed into a comfortable sweater and made her way next door. She knocked and was expecting either Simeon or Luke to answer, but the face that greeted her was neither of them...

    Chapter 3: It's Not About To Stop Now

"Arjuna!" she cried, leaping backwards as if she'd been burned.

"So, we meet again. Yes... this is indeed good fortune."

"You talk weird." 

Karin shook her head, brushing past him to get to the kitchen. She hurried to Simeon's side, where he stood in front of the stove. 

"SIMEON! Why is this strange man...err, I mean celestial being, in your home?"

"Silly dove," Simeon laughed. "We're all celestial beings here. Besides, Arjuna is my cousin. Couldn't you tell?"

Though it was true that they bore somewhat of a resemblance, Karin wasn't having it. 

"Whatever. Anyway, what are you making?" 

She changed the topic, and Simeon graciously allowed her to taste test the various dishes he was cooking up. When everything had finished cooking, Simeon requested for Karin to call Luke down for dinner and for Arjuna to assist by setting the table.

"It smells soooo good Simeon!" Luke exclaimed, bounding down the stairs. "Hi, Karin!"

Karin enveloped Luke in a big hug, though she could sense Arjuna's stare on her back. His presence made her uneasy, but if Simeon trusted him, then she had no reason not to as well... at least, that's what she kept repeating to herself in her head.

Dinner passed by uneventfully; Simeon's cooking was delicious as usual, and by the end of the meal, everyone was stuffed.

"I couldn't eat another bite!" Karin sighed happily, giving her stomach a pat. "That was super yummy."

"No room for dessert?" Simeon asked. "I've made a special Gulab Jamun parfait, in celebration of Arjuna staying with us."

"Wait--STAYING with you?" Karin echoed, unsure if she'd heard him right. "Doesn't he have to get going back to his world?"

"Oh, are you concerned about him? How cute. But there's no need to worry, PJ Karter himself approved Arjuna's visitor visa."

"WHAT!" Karin's voice rose to a squeak. "No way..."

First it was Charlemagne that got to skip the line, and now Arjuna. Karter was turning out to be quite the dirty Servant Smuggler!

    Chapter 4: But Why?

Simeon and Luke both insisted that their guests relax while they got everything cleaned up. Karin sat there, brooding and shoveling bites of parfait into her mouth. 

The creaminess from the yogurt with the sponginess of the Gulab Jamuns was the perfect combination, and the honeyed saffron milk gave the parfait that Indian touch. Still, it was hard to enjoy the moment with an unwelcome guest in the vicinity. 

She looked over and saw that Arjuna had finished his and had gone back to staring at her intently. 

"It's rude to stare, you know," Karin muttered, picking up her phone. She tried to ignore him and opened up her phone's video app to distract herself.

The song 'Urvashi' by Yo Yo Honey Singh started playing. Karin kept her focus on the screen, bobbing her head slightly to the upbeat track while watching the music video, which featured a car heist.

"Urvashi, hm? That name brings back memories," said a voice right in Karin's ear. She whipped around and came face to face with Arjuna, who had made his way around the table to sit next to her.

"You're too close," Karin complained, to no avail as Arjuna didn't bother moving an inch.

"Is this the type of music you like?" He smirked slightly before humming a bit, singing along. "Mashallah, teri nazar... Mil jaaye mujhse agar. Do you even know what those lyrics mean?"

Karin shook her head. Arjuna continued on, and to her surprise, he had quite a beautiful voice.

"Your gaze is God’s grace. If this gaze sets on me, it’d be wonderful. I admit that we've met a bit late, but instantly I feel some special relation between us. That is what those lyrics mean."

"I see."

Arjuna placed his finger beneath her chin, mimicking the actor in the video.

"Should I push you against the wall as well?" he asked, matter-of-factly. "If that is what you like."

Karin batted his hand away with a scowl. It took every ounce of her will to push down the strange feelings bubbling up in her chest.

"Why are you acting like this? It's very... improper of you."

"Bonds are annoying, but necessary for a Servant. Are they not simply a means to an end?"

"I don't know what you're talking about, but I'm no Master. And certainly not yours!"

Karin left without saying goodbye to Luke or Simeon; she'd have to apologize later, but she couldn't take any more of Arjuna's teasing. Or taunting. She wasn't even sure which one he meant for it to be.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Grand Design

i put in the effort to come and write here in this space, even if there's nothing i wanna say. my friends say journaling without any real point can be cathartic. but i just can't even focus lol, on what i wanna write about, and these long arse nails i'm sporting really don't help. i mean i'm struggling with it but here i am!

Friday, February 19, 2021

Just For Fun

The aroma of freshly baked goods greeted Karin as she stepped through the doors of Purgatory Hall. 

"Oh Luuuke!" she called, kicking off her shoes at the entrance. "I'm here as you asked!"

The young angel had raved endlessly over the phone about the success of his new scone recipe, and urged Karin to drop by so that she could sample them straight out of the oven.

"Karin! You're finally here!" 

Luke's blond head of hair popped out from the kitchen doorway. He let out his usual cry of excitement and bounded to her side like a puppy whose master had just returned home. Resisting the urge to pat him on the head was hard, but Karin knew that he hated when others treated him like a child. 

Instead she asked, "How were your lessons today?"

"Ummm... they were fine. Just fine!" Luke's gaze dropped to the floor momentarily before returning to her face. "But enough about that! Come to the kitchen, let's have tea!"

His small hands gripped onto her sleeve, and she allowed him to tug her along as if she were a suitcase.

Simeon was seated at the dining table, surrounded by stacks of paper. His brow was furrowed as he stared down intently at his work, pen in hand. As he looked deep in concentration, Karin didn't want to disturb him, but Luke leaned in before before she could react and waved in Simeon's face to grab his attention. 

"Hey! Karin's here, aren't you going to greet her?" 

Simeon glanced up, eyelashes fluttering against his dark bangs. "Oh, hello Karin. I'm sorry, I didn't notice you come in." 

His warm smile caused Karin's heart to skip a beat, and she almost choked on her next words. It was a wonder that anything coherent made its way out of her mouth, but thankfully they did.

"It's quite all right!" she stammered, quickly changing the subject. "Are you writing the next part of your TSL novel?"

"Yes. In fact, I've just put the finishing touches on an intricate fight scene between multiple characters, so this is perfect timing."

"Time for a break," Luke exclaimed. He brought over a plate of scones, accompanied by jam and cream. "Tell me what you think, Karin!"

Spreading some jam onto a scone, she took a bite and immediately the buttery flavour and a hint of sweet tanginess exploded onto her taste buds. 

"Wow, delicious! You've outdone yourself, Luke. The texture is extremely tender, flaky and light." 

She applauded his fruitful efforts. Luke beamed at the praise, and a proud smile spread across his face.

"The scones pair nicely with this tea as well," Simeon added. He handed Karin a teacup that she recognized all too well. "This is Pure Tea from the Celestial Realm. Do you remember, Karin? We had this together on the day before my birthday."

"Of course. How could I forget such a lovely time?" 

Her hands trembled as she held the saucer and brought the cup to her lips. The unique flavour certainly brought back memories of the occasion. 

Simeon observed her with an inquisitive gaze, while Luke, on the other hand, looked a tad confused.

"Karin, please take some back with you. I'm always worried about what those demons are feeding you!" Luke said fretfully. "And make sure Beelzebub doesn't devour them, okay?"

He made Karin promise to hide the scones from the ravenous redheaded demon before she was allowed to leave. 

"It was lovely to have you visit," Simeon said. "You're welcome over anytime."

"Thank you for having me! I'll come by again soon," Karin promised. 

"Call me when you get home." 

Simeon's request made Karin's heart lurch in her chest again. She struggled to remain composed and simply nodded her head in response.

"See ya later!" said Luke, with an enthusiastic wave.

As the door shut behind her, Karin could still faintly hear their conversation from outside.

"Nobody talks on the phone anymore, Simeon. The correct thing to have asked is for her to message you when she got home!"

"I know, I know." Simeon's laughter was like music. "But, I want to hear her voice. So I said what I said."

Karin's face turned a bright shade of red and she scurried off, not wanting to be caught eavesdropping.

The topic was far too embarrassing, anyway!

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Sweeter Than Chocolate

One afternoon, Akari got off work and decided to make some cute chocolate. Valentine's Day had recently passed, which meant that all the chocolate at the store was on sale - the perfect opportunity to stock up on some sweets.

“Hmm, what should I make?” Her eyes scanned the aisles, taking in the rows and rows of colourful boxes. “Maybe... this?”

She reached out to grab a couple milk chocolate bars to melt into different shapes, when suddenly she felt a brush of warmth against the back of her hand.

“Oh, I'm sorry.”

Someone else had reached for the same chocolate bar. Her eyes widened when she realized who was standing beside her.


“Hello, dove. Fancy meeting you here.” The angel smiled warmly with a playful glint in his eyes.

Simeon was at the store to pick up a couple items for Luke, who wanted to bake double chocolate brownies. Akari was delighted to see him, although the sight of him and the sound of his gentle voice was enough to cause her heart to leap into her throat.

They paid for their items and exited the store, a rush of cold air hitting their faces. The clear sky masked a deceitfully chilly day; Akari shivered and drew her jacket tighter around herself.

“Um, Simeon,” she began timidly, inhaling sharply when he suddenly spun around. 


His steady gaze came up to her face and warmth shot painfully up her neck. She met his gaze as best she could and spoke earnestly.

“Would you... like to have dinner? We haven’t spoken properly since your birthday, and I’d l-love to catch up.”

She half-expected him to decline, as he did say Luke was waiting for the groceries at home. Simeon looked surprised, and then his eyes lit up like two gems.

“Certainly. It would be my pleasure to have dinner with you.” In a flash, his phone was in his hand. “Let me inform Luke that I’ll be home late tonight.”

“Great. There’s a place I’ve been wanting to try, just a couple blocks from here.”

Akari didn’t know why she felt so nervous. Well, actually, she did: Simeon was nothing short of gorgeous, and his playfulness was beyond alluring. But they were simply good friends.


The restaurant was called Arcadian Table, a relaxed bistro featuring decor with a rustic vibe. A server led them to a table by the window, and Akari blushed when Simeon pulled out the chair for her.

“Thank you,” she squeaked. Her heart thumped wildly in her chest, and she hoped he wouldn’t notice how red her face was. If he did, he didn’t say anything. They ordered two of the daily special, which was steak frites, and two glasses of red wine.

“I’m having a lovely time,” Simeon said, between bites of his food. Even as he ate, his focus remained largely on the girl before him. “I’m so glad you suggested this outing.”

“Yes, me too. Although I didn’t know you drank!” She eyed the glass in front of him curiously. “Can angels do that?”

Simeon laughed. “I do drink, sometimes. Although alcoholic drinks from the Human World generally have little effect on angels.”

“That’s fascinating.”

They chatted a while longer, thoroughly enjoying each other’s company as the hours stretched into the night. By then, Akari was several drinks in, and starting to feel slightly lightheaded.

“Perhaps I’ve drank a little too much,” she murmured, massaging her temples with her fingertips. The world was starting to spin. “We should get going!”

“All right. Here, allow me to support you.” 

Akari felt strong arms circle around her as Simeon steadied her with his hands on her shoulders. 

“Thank you.”

She leaned into his embrace, feeling the warmth of his body against her back. His presence made her feel safe, as if being together was the most natural thing in the world.

Leading through courage this Black History Month

 February 14th - Chadwick Boseman


Chadwick Boseman was an American actor, widely known for his role as the iconic King T'challa in Black Panther (2018). In stark contrast to his blockbuster stature today, it may be surprising to know that Boseman didn't land a significant movie role until he was in his mid-30s. Now, we would be hard-pressed to find a household who has not heard of the salute "Wakanda Forever", a gesture of Black excellence around the world.


"Black people are heroes too." This is the message Boseman brings to the big screen with his roles, and not only with Black Panther. He has portrayed Black Americans of colossal historical importance such as James Brown, Thurgood Marshall, and Jackie Robinson, to name a few. For Boseman, it went beyond showing that a Black superhero could be successful on the big screen, it was about reiterating that there is a place in this world for Black individuals and creating stories that exemplify that world we want to see. 


More than an actor, Boseman was an artist for the sake of activism and a hero to so many in the Black community. May he rest in peace, and we thank him for the legacy he left behind.


Monday, February 15, 2021


Once upon a time, there was a goddess - a benevolent, loving goddess that looked after the human world with a fondness unlike any other. For a while, all was well, and the human realm prospered, until one day the goddess decided to visit the human realm herself. She was intrigued by the human race and the desires of the population - both from the prayers she would receive, and from what she observed from the heavens.

It was then that she fell in love with a man with eyes as blue as the ocean’s waves. In her human form, she met him on the sandy beaches of the shore one fateful summer night. The way the sunset’s orange rays cast a magical glow on his skin and illuminated his face was like an arrow shot directly into her heart.

As such, of course it was forbidden for a goddess to fall in love with a human, and in her deep sorrow and longing upon returning to the Celestial Realm, the goddess’s divine energy waned, disappearing like the sliver of the moon on a dark night. And so, her blessings no longer reached the human world, plunging it into a state of darkness that left the world susceptible to the dominion of demons...

“Akari! Wake up!”

A familiar voice shook her from the depths of slumber, and Akari found herself being pulled into an upright position from her seat.

“Ah... What’s the matter?” The blond girl yawned, rubbing at her eyes in a daze. “Did I doze off again?”

Wilfred sighed heavily, resisting the urge to smack his childhood friend upside the head. He was a knight after all, and it was unbecoming of any knight to mistreat a lady. Not that Akari could be truly called a lady, given her status in the small town which they lived.

“You know Akari, for a fortune teller, you’re quite dense. Not to mention lazy,” Wilfred mumbled, crossing his arms together and furrowing his brow. “The king’s right hand man and trusted tactician will be visiting today. The least you could do is stay awake.”

“Why? It makes no difference to me,” Akari retorted, kicking her legs up onto the counter and trying her best to ignore his condescending tone. “Many have wished for a session to speak with the Goddess Kiria, and none have been granted the honour. So, forgive me if I’m far from optimistic.”

Wilfred narrowed his eyes at her, and a strange tension filled the small shop. “Orion is different from the rest. You’ll soon see, Akari.”

Not soon after the words left Wilfred’s lips did the shop’s door swing open, and the bell jangled loudly to signal a visitor. A tall figure draped in an elegantly embroidered robe stepped into the shop, surveying his surroundings with a curious gaze.

Wilfred’s amber eyes widened as he swiftly lowered himself into a deep bow. “Captain Orion! You are early to grace us with your presence.”

Akari nonchalantly glanced in the cloaked figure’s direction, happy to let Wilfred handle the pleasantries for now. Sure, she had heard much of the sorcerer knight Orion’s conquests in battle, but it would take more than a couple of war stories to pique her interest.

“You must be the famous sorcerer Orion, the king’s renowned tactician,” Akari declared, eyeing the man up and down. “Welcome. Please, take a seat.”

She poured three cups of steaming herbal tea, setting them down onto a sturdy oak table and gesturing for him to take a seat across from her and Wilfred.

“You have my gratitude for your hospitality,” Orion said, lifting the cup of tea to his lips. He took a sip, and a content sigh escaping his lips. Akari noted that his voice was light and melodic, nothing like the harsh and commanding tone she imagined it would be. He appeared be quite the tea connoisseur as well, with the way he appreciated the tea's aroma.

“Am I correct in assuming that Sir Laurel has informed you of the reason for my visit?” Orion inquired, staring Wilfred square in the eyes as he spoke.

“Of course, Captain!” Wilfred replied hastily, almost knocking his cup over in his enthusiasm. “Everything has been prepared, exactly as you’ve asked.” 

“I would like to hear this directly from Lady Akari,” Orion mused, his piercing gaze settling onto the woman before him. Akari frowned slightly at his forward gaze, not used to men—or anyone, for that matter—eyeing her so candidly. 

“It is true that Wilfred has informed me of your request. However, I am not entirely sure how I can aid you, or the king,” Akari said slowly. “As you may already know, the goddess’s voice has long been silent. She has not spoken to our people since my great-grandmother delivered the last prophecy.”

“It matters not,” Orion declared, his determined gaze unwavering. “Your family’s bloodline has long been chosen to be the voice of the goddess. I believe it is only a matter of creating the right circumstances for her to reveal herself again.”

At this, the sorcerer set a small roll of parchment onto the table and slid it toward Akari. She unfolded it to reveal a delicate script that she recognized to be written by the king himself.

“Read this over, when you are able,” Orion instructed. “The king will pay you handsomely for aiding us in this endeavour—all the gold you should wish! So please, give this proposal some thought.”

“Certainly. I thank you humbly for your visit, Sorcerer Orion.” Akari smiled politely at the man before her, although it didn’t quite reach her eyes.

“So? What are you planning to do?” 

Akari sat with Wilfred in the garden behind her apothecary shop. She was perched on the stone ledge of a trickling fountain, lost deep in thought.

Wilfred sighed, noticing the stagnant look in her eyes. “Hello? Earth to Akari? I swear, if you’re not asleep, you’re zoning out on me.”

“Oh—I’ m sorry, Wilfred. I was contemplating the king’s proposal just now.”

“What exactly is there to contemplate?” Wilfred huffed. “The king needs your assistance. What more do you need to know?”

“The situation isn’t that simple.” Akari sighed in exasperation. “The letter said that the Holy Knights need help in subduing an enemy in a nearby village. And not just any enemy. From what I read, the culprit none other than a sleep demon.”

“A s-sleep demon?!” Wilfred swallowed, rubbing his upper arms in an attempt to stay calm. “W-well, this should be a piece of cake, right?”

“The king seems to believe that the increased presence of demons is what has been hindering the voice of the goddess,” Akari explained, rubbing at her temples in frustration. "And I can't exactly prove him wrong. It's true that dark magic has gripped the land since the disappearance of the goddess. But I don't believe it's the only contributing factor."

Wilfred was right, though. The wheel of fate had started turning, and Akari could feel it in her bones.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Divine Indulgence

My beloved Kait wrote a Simeon piece, right on Valentine's Day, and made my heart s t o p! So I'll leave it here so I can enjoy it whenever I wish, hehe.


Honestly, you weren't sure how you ended up sitting on a bed in a love hotel on the outskirts of the Devildom during a rainstorm.

You definitely were surprised at the fact that Simeon was pressing EVERY SINGLE BUTTON and flipping every switch he found in the room.

"Take a shower first, Karin. I don't want you catching a cold because of me," Simeon told you, catching your gaze before he went back to fiddling with all of the smutty technology.

As nervous as you were feeling being in such a place with the literal angel of your dreams, the idea of him being alone with the entire room of gadgets and gizmos was terrifying in and of itself. The suggestion of just showering together - water preservation! - died on your lips and soon you were behind closed doors and stripping off your cold, damp clothing.

Once you were under the warm water of the shower, you reflected on how exactly you ended up in this predicament. Simeon had never called it a date, but he had asked you for your time in exploring a new store...

That he had no idea the location of.

He had sworn up and down on Michael's name that he had the address saved in his D.D.D. and by the time you had realized the two of you were lost, the rain storm of the millenia had started. Due to the frigid cold rain, the two of you had no choice but to find shelter.

Unfortunately for you, the only few places around were a shady convenience store and a hotel. This hotel. A love hotel. Ugh!

Just the idea of the things that couples did in places like this embarrassed you, and the fact that it had been Simeon's suggestion to get a room to wait out the storm was enough to give you a heart attack.


The sound of a light knock and your name as the door cracked open slightly had you startled, your heart threatening to jump from your throat.

“Y-yes?!” you asked, barely peeking out from behind the shower curtain, face bright red as you saw Simeon.

Simeon gave you a look from the doorway, leaning against the door as if you weren’t butt naked on the other side of a not-nearly-opaque-enough shower curtain before the slight smolder you swore was in his eyes turned to innocent joy.

“I’m thinking of ordering food~!” he said excitedly, but you were too focused on the way the ends of his hair curled a little haphazardly from the rain earlier.

“Sure, that sounds great Simeon! Thank you!” You weren’t nervous, no not at all. You just couldn’t understand how such a beautiful man could be so ignorant at times. Didn’t he know he was playing a dangerous game! “I’m almost done with my shower! I’ll be out soon.”

Simeon left you with a hum, not even bothering to close the door behind him as he sauntered back into the room to seemingly order food, giving you time to finish your shower.

Soon you were leaving the bathroom, wrapped in a fluffy robe the hotel provided, dabbing at your wet hair with a towel. When you saw Simeon you gasped, the towel in your hands dropping to the floor at the sight before you.

Simeon was lounging - topless - on the bed, flipping through a magazine he had found. You didn’t even want to know what kind of reading material was available here, but you only had enough brain power to stutter at the shirtless man before you.

“Oh, you’re done. Sorry, it got quite chilly in my wet shirt. I was considering removing my pants, but I think our food will be here soon.”

The food did arrive, shortly after Simeon decided it was his turn for a warm shower, and soon he was stepping out of the bathroom with his own robe barely tied correctly. You could only hope that your prayers for mercy reached anyone in the Celestial Realm, but the way he stretched his arms above his head - showing even more of his muscular thighs - had you wondering if God had forsaken you and this was your punishment.

“Don’t forget to hang up your clothes so they can dry,” you told Simeon, averting your gaze and focusing on getting the food he had ordered set out so they could eat.

“They should send up dessert soon!” Simeon said excitedly as he kicked his legs up on the bed, not saying whether he hung up his wet clothes or not, and lounged back as he brought his plate closer to take a bite of food. “This is surprisingly good - here, try,” he said, turning to you to offer a forkful of his dish. “Can I have some of yours too?”

You couldn’t say no, your face burning as you leaned in to take a bite of the offered food. It was fine as far as food went, but the fact that Simeon was the one feeding it to you, you were sure there had never been a more delicious dish. As you copied him, gathering your own food onto a spoon to hold it up to him so he could try, you were sure that you saw him smirk. It disappeared as he opened his mouth and let you feed him, closing his lips around the utensil and making the most sinful moan you had ever heard.

What the fuck.

It was unfair. His coy innocence, his personality, his face. It was all unfair.

Soon you were finished eating and there was another knock at the door and Simeon moved to answer, mentioning that it must be their dessert. Something sweet did sound nice, and you were hoping it would distract you from your current predicament. When he lifted the cloche, revealing a plate of huge strawberries and melted chocolate, you were convinced you were about to actually die from your heart stopping.

“I’m sorry I got us lost on Valentine’s day,” Simeon told you then, grabbing a strawberry as he crawled over you on the bed, smiling at how you backed up against the headboard. “But I couldn’t be happier with how it turned out.”

Your ears burned as you tried to tell him that it was fine, that you were happy to keep him company, but knowing he was enjoying the current situation had your throat seizing up when you tried to talk. As he reached to dip the strawberry he held between his fingers in the chocolate, you gasped at the chocolate that trailed across your robe and your skin.

“Say ahh~, sweet dove,” He hummed, the chocolate covered strawberry pressing against your lips and smearing on your skin. “Don’t worry.” he chuckled. “I’ll be sure to thoroughly clean the mess I make.”


As you took a bite of the strawberry being offered to you, you couldn't help but wonder if this angel knew what he was actually doing. He was so coy all of the time, an innocence that teased all of your senses. 

"You know," he told you, leaning close to your ear. "I might be an angel... but I wonder when you'll start seeing me as a man as well." 

The feeling of his warm hand trailing up your bare leg sent you into shock. Sure, he was always kind to you and you had always assumed that he never knew how the things he said could be taken, but with him crowding you against the headboard you had your doubts. 

"You like me, don't you? Or was I mistaken in reading your advances?" Simeon's smooth, steady voice rang in your ear and across your body. "I /did/ ask you out on Valentine's day after all." 

You felt your ears burning, and as Simeon's thumb moved to sweep chocolate off your lower lip your heart stopped. 

"N-no!" You gasped, pushing on his chest to give yourself some breathing room. "W-wait, no, not... I mean! I... I do like you! I love you!" 

Your sudden outburst and panic had Simeon laughing and a part of you wondered how to shut his beautiful mouth.  When you saw his kind, teasing smile shift into more of a smirk, you stammered and tripped over your words. If the bed could just open a portal and swallow you whole, that would be too much mercy on your soul.

"You have to tell me what you want, my dove," Simeon told you then, his fingers reaching to play with the neckline of your robe. "Just be honest with me." 

You were quiet for a while, skin lighting on fire as his fingertips found your collarbone, but when he leaned in close again, your breaths mingling, you turned your head to the side. 

"Wait," you gasped, your cheeks burning red. "Y-you first!" If was only fair that if he wanted to know how you felt about him, he should be honest too. 

Simeon's demeanor shifted a little and his hand went to your cheek, thumb brushing your skin gently. "Me? Is it not obvious?" No! You wouldn't be asking otherwise. "I adore you. I was so happy when you invited me for dinner the other night. Spending time with you truly does... excite me." 

"What does that mean!?" You found yourself saying, exasperated. "You talk in riddles, Simeon!" 

You didn't know what had gotten into you to be so bold, but you definitely had grown tired of his sly ways. 

"I love you," Simeon said then, matter-of-factly. "If you love me as well, as you just said, surely we should do something about that?" 

It only took a breath more for his lips to crash against yours, his hands moving to hold your hips firmly as he licked into your mouth, the tip of his tongue licking so lightly at the top of your mouth, catching behind your teeth. The taste of him assaulted your senses and the ferocity of his kiss had you hearing white noise as your mind and body was overloaded with everything him.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Feb 15th - Chadwick Boseman

Writing my piece for my company's black history month project. I've chosen Chadwick Boseman because he really moved me.

Chadwick Boseman was an American actor, widely known for his role as the iconic King T'challa in Black Panther (2018). In stark contrast to his blockbuster stature today, it may be surprising to know that Boseman didn't land a significant movie role until he was in his mid-30s. Now, we would be hard-pressed to find a household who has not heard of the salute "Wakanda Forever", a gesture of Black excellence around the world.

"Black people are heroes too." This is the message Boseman brings to the big screen with his roles, and not only with Black Panther. He has portrayed Black Americans of colossal historical importance such as James Brown, Thurgood Marshall, and Jackie Robinson, to name a few. For Boseman, it went beyond showing that a Black superhero could be successful on the big screen, it was about reiterating that there is a place in this world for Black individuals and creating stories that exemplify that world we want to see. 

Friday, February 5, 2021

Baby's Birthday

Simeon's birthday is on Feb 10th!!! The week long event celebration started yesterday and I am OVER THE MOON!!! MC and Simeon get matching teacups because Simeon asked for his gift from MC to be "something matching" that they could use together. AND THEY SHARE THEIR FIRST KISS EVER LOL!!! OOOOOOF it was rather unclimactic OVERALL but my heart still exploded. it was a big deal. i'm hoping that the Devilgram stories carry me a little further into my fangirl fantasies haha.

My beautiful, beautiful babe Simeon. ;www; He's such a sweetie. LOVE HIM AND HE DESERVES THE BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!!!

Monday, February 1, 2021

Growing Pains

I really wanted to write something because I've been in the mood, but I've been too busy this week. A big part of it has to to with stepping up in teaching the training class and also my houseplant hobby, and then a birthday over the weekend took up a day and ugh it's just been one huge blur. 

I've been having strange dreams but that's nothing new. I feel strange these past few days. This week has been tough, I want another weekend, even if the weekend has just ended!

So like, I've been roleplaying AU's and creating new characters. Akari, Wilfred Laurel, and Orion Bloom. Will likely write a bit more about this world so I can have it documented. In the meantime I'm just struggling to get through this Monday, haha!