i thought i would ramble a bit to get thoughts out of my mind. why can't we scream in our minds? i don't know. this eternal voice in my head is mute, but at the same time, says so much... for instance, all my windowsill plants. i wanted to talk about the indoor house plants i keep, and will probably take photos of them to accompany this post later on, haha. yeah my hobbies are weird, but i'm doing this for myself! writing makes me happy and bloggin' makes me happy and ... i've somehow gotten myself into houseplants. let's check out how that happened.
well after i got promoted in july, a colleague gifted me a small baby rose plant, which was affectionately named Pipplant in commemoration of the gifter. I also call it Rosie, so I suppose the plant's name is Rosie Pipplant. It's doing well, having grown beautiful bushy blossoms over the summer, and currently has a couple roses with deep green, lush leaves.
after that, comes the two succulent plants that i bought from ikea. i never knew ikea plants were hardy, but i guess i should have known since when i was young i bought a small bamboo plant from there; don't quite remember what happened to it. anyway, i bought a spiky one and a more called an "echeveria elegans", which i have since planted outside next to my gerbera dairy plant. spiky plant is called Plantsy. echeveria doesn't have a name but it's still doing well outside in the winter weather, which is nuts. so is the gerbera plant which i for sure thought was going to die, but we'll get into that later.
a) the spiky plant i bought because when i picked it up from the pot, i saw it's long root had poked out of it and was dangling from a hole. i thought to myself, this one is a fighter. i took it home and had to give it a chance to life a comfortable life, cared for by moi. i repotted this plant twice, and it currently lives in a cheery green pot from the dollar store.
b) echeveria plant: i have to say i didn't feel much connection to this plant so i planted it outside. it's still alive and moves its petals around, i was unsure if it would survive the vancouver winter but since the weather has been (i presume) mild, it should be fine.
now the gerbera plant, when i bought it from the grocery store was a beautiful bright red with yellow accents. i planted it in the soil outside over the summer and ants kept pestering it. most of the flowers wilted and the leaves were eaten by bugs. i thought for sure it would be gone, but it's still alive and kickin' with two flower stalks grown! i will continue to care for it over the winter and hopefully it feels more lively in the spring.
i have two cactus, one with large spikes and another smaller fuzzy one. i bought the big one after work when i went to the mall with my friends, and the fuzzy one was a gift from my dear friend. the large one i can't remember what i decided to name it, but the smaller one is Dimitri Cactus. DC is in a bulbasaur planter, and bigger cactus is in a bright yellow eggshell-shaped planter that i got from my old workplace over easter.
last but not least is Mint/Minty, the small christmas shrub... can't quite remember the plant name but i have it on a tag downstairs. i'll note it down when i can. it's like a small tree-plant and smells like a lemony, minty, fresh scent. i got this plant from visiting the deer lake arts fair with friends! it was free, we had a great time.
anyway, those are my plants. they sit on my windowsill, in the kitchen, and outside in the garden. when the weather gets nicer i'll tend to the garden a bit more seriously. i'm a bit iffy about bugs, but when out in nature, that's just the way the cookie crumbles.
welp, catch ya later. -K
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