What's blocking me? Well, I'm ashamed to practice in the "silly" things that I've enjoyed in my youth, namely being creative and having fun. But, I've been watching other artists and writers pursue their hobbies and I am slowly realizing that while I don't see it seriously as a career or anything like that, I have to recognize what I'm depriving myself of. A group of us get together almost every week to play Dungeons and Dragons; nobody ridicules that! In fact, game nights are popular bonding activities for friends.
Art always imitates life. So perhaps, I should draw on my own life experiences and my love for Fire Emblem/JRPGs and create something like I did when I was younger. I always reference the 'me' from the past, but I don't know why, because I can't ever go back there. Nor should I want to! But, that being said, I do want to revamp some of my old OC's. Venhir (pronounced: veh-neer), my darling little boy that is both cheeky and mischievous. Faust, Erik, Cyril/Saviry. I had a whole cast of male OC's. But not many females ones - I should work on that... I mean, I do have Maya, who I use in Pokemon A/U's and DnD, but I haven't fleshed her out much.
In any case, now that I've been doodling away on the iPad, I can afford a bit more time in decorating some new characters for stories. So, I'd better get going! I'm off to play a bit more FE before bed. Gotta load up on my daily dose of fanservice!!! ;D But before that, I guess I'll write a little snippet of sorts. Why not, gotta push ourselves forward in life, ya? YA~!
Kiran couldn’t help the moan that burst forth from her lips as she felt Claude’s tongue roam down her jawline, over her lips, and into her mouth. As the Alliance leader’s tongue explored Kiran’s mouth, Kiran’s hands instinctively began to slide up Claude’s torso, tugging urgently at the zipper of his coat. Claude’s own hands roamed down past the summoner’s hips, causing another moan to erupt from the poor girl’s throat as he gripped her quite roughly.
W-what’s happening, Kiran wondered, trembling under the hot touch of the brunet’s fingertips. I-I can't control my body!
Claude winked, breaking the kiss between them. He seemed to be able to read her mind.
"Oh, nothing to be scared of, Ace. I merely asked Loki for a bit of help and she gave me a spell. I know you've been overworking yourself, so I thought I'd give you a hand with one of my schemes."
"This isn't right!" Kiran felt her blood boiling. "Claude von Riegan, get your hands off me this instant!"
She pushed against Claude's firm chest in an attempt to shove him away, but he barely moved back an inch. Instead, he responded by drawing her closer, and she found herself pressed her against his body in a tight embrace - and a chokehold, of sorts.
"Now, now, there's no need to panic. I'll keep you safe, so you can relax!" He cooed, smoothing down her hair. "You know, I'm not sure why you bother wearing that hood. It's a shame when a pretty lady hides her face, don't you agree?"
Smushed against his chest, Kiran smelled the warm, spicy aroma of his cologne - and along with it, detected a strong hint of magic engulfing his presence. Two and two clicked together, and Kiran was hit with a sobering realization: Could Loki have cast a spell on him as well? Are we both being played? That shameless Loki, always toying with people's emotions...
Kiran swore the witch would not get away with this. But first, she had a very infatuated Golden Deer member to handle - oh, but what to do? ...
"L-listen Claude," Kiran began slowly, choosing her next words carefully as to avoid escalating the situation. "Is... is this whole thing about Byleth? Because I know how devastating it is to have someone you like reject you!"
The summoner's words hit Claude like an surprise arrow to the chest. His grip on her slackened, and Kiran broke out of his hold. She flipped her hood back over her head and shadows engulfed her face once more. She leapt backed several feet, whipped out Breidabrik and took aim at the skilled, and handsome, archer.
"Look, I don't know how things work in Fódlan, but if this is the norm among you all, then I'm not sure I'm down for this sort of custom!" Kiran's cheeks burned red with embarrassment.
"Hey, no need to be jealous! This has nothing to do with Teach." Claude lifted his hands in protest.
...AND THAT'S IT that's all I got, I mean. Stay tuned the the next episode of FE rambles that never lead anywhere! It starts steamy and then - then ...
