I’m going to be a weather reporter and inform you that it was hailing like mad outside. Now I know something about what Red has to endure in his solitude. Ouch. I actually haven’t beaten him in the game yet. I went off on a tangent a while back of trying to EV train and not succeeding too much. Besides, how can I beat his level 80 something pokemon? He’ll “…” his way to victory. Although being beaten by Red can be justified cause he is the champion after all!
Why do I dislike Blue? This is similar to how I feel towards Noctis, isn’t it… maybe it’s some subconscious thing of only wanting the original E4 and not outsiders intruding or something. But that’s way too weird. Seriously, haha. I’m fond of Kraut, Erik, Faust, etc so that argument doesn’t even work! I’m so wishy-washy, damn it. I can see how Blue’s lovable (!) but I’m just not feelin’ him. Maybe I need to see him written about by you so I can get another perspective or something. Oddly, I like the Blue/Maya pairing even if I’m ambivalent about Blue himself. Well, I enjoy seeing happy couples, so that plays a part. Even if they’re not exactly together or happy yet. Or are they? Hmm let’s see… they’re definitely on their way there, even if Maya is rather resistant. She is determined to improve herself as a trainer, after all, so making time for relationships might pose a challenge. That’s an excuse though, so there’s something else stopping her. Like Lance. Wait, what? I do have this impression that Red is immature compared to Blue. I mean, retreating to a mountain because you’ve lost all sense of yourself as a person doesn’t seem well-adjusted…
Man, do I prefer Red because I relate more to his immaturity (if that‘s what it is)? Or maybe I’m not reading him right and he’s just having some kind of breakdown or something. Mental illness is a complex issue. Don’t do anything too crazy to yourself, Red… it’s good he has friends like Blue, then. Heart of gold indeed! Perhaps I can warm up to Viridian’s gym leader in time…
Speaking of couples (since when?!), Kraut and Karelosina popped into my head when I was lying awake last night. Not the serious version, more like their comic selves, where they’re all lovey dovey. I imagine that they were like relationship guru celebrities in Germany and had a book called “Victory in Love and War!” that was massively successful during wartime. Karelosina is also a pop singer and her love songs are all about… wait for it… Kraut. Yesss. But Nazi Germany isn’t supposed to have that kinda music, so her songs are a front about praising the Fuhrer. However, when you go all metaphorical, they’re not. Hahaha cause that totally works somehow!!
I didn’t write any further… but I did get more intimate with paint!

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