Lena and Aki were first introduced to each other by the government, to combine forces and go on missions together as a team. At first, Lena was apprehensive and a bit shy to meet another Saniwa, but Aki's responsible and caring nature put all the worries to rest. They quickly became close friends.
Lena noticed that Aki's attention always turned to a specific sword - Hizen Tadahiro. He was rough around the edges, and wasn't the best with his words, but Lena knew he took his job seriously. The problem was that both Aki and Hizen were always dancing around the bush, and any chances of a budding romance would likely not happen unless someone intervened.
That "someone" had to be her! This was why Lena decided to take on the task of being a matchmaker - to make her friend happy, and bring some joy into the world.
Hizen seemed to love eating, so Lena and Aki spent many hours in the kitchen - practicing their cooking skills. Sometimes Shokudaikiri joined them, if he didn't have a mission. Shoku was very skilled with a knife, almost as good as he was with his sword.
Lena decided that Aki should present Hizen with a beautiful, custom-made bento! So one morning, the two girls met in the kitchen and put together a lunch for Aki's favourite sword. There were not as many hearts in Aki's bento as Lena would have liked, but it was a start.
Hizen had accepted the bento with a faint blush on his cheeks - and Aki seemed pretty flustered as well. Ahh, seeing the two love birds truly warmed Lena's heart.
In the evenings, Lena sat with Mikazuki on the veranda and spoke to him about her plans. Mikazuki would listen to her talk without complaints. Lena wanted Aki to be happy, and wanted Hizen to also acknowledge his feelings, too. They were both on the shy side, though, so it would probably take some time for them to warm up to each other and confess. She knew Aki would risk everything for Hizen if she had to -- including relinquishing her official Saniwa credentials by putting love above her duty.
"Would you ever do the same?" Mikazuki asked, sipping on his tea.
"I don't know. I've never been in love before. It seems... nice."" Lena responded, laying on her back to gaze up at the stars. "Say, Mikazuki. Do you believe that a sword can love a human?"
"Ah... Anything is possible, isn't it?"
Hizen had accepted the bento with a blush on his cheeks - and Aki seemed to be quite nervous too. Ahh, the sight of the two lovebirds really warmed Lena's heart.
Lena looked at her bento, which she prepared as a template for Aki's bento. Then she looked at Mikazuki who was enjoying his tea on the porch as usual.
Lena gathered her courage, went over to him and sat down next to him. Of course he noticed that Lena had a box with her. Lena waited until he addressed her: "Ahahaha, did you bring your lunch with you?"
"No, that's not for me," Lena countered. “I showed Aki how to make bento. Now this is left. ... You can have it if you want. I mean only when you're hungry. You don't have to accept it…”
“I'll gladly accept it, thank you very much, Lena.” Mikazuki said happily. When he opened it, he noticed the many hearts that served as a nice decoration at the top. He looked at the artwork for a while with a slight blush on the face. Admittedly, he was surprised to receive such a sweet love message.
"Very pretty, very pretty. Is there anything you're trying to tell me with that?” He knew that people who like each other give each other small gifts, including food. He finally got this in his prime as a sword. Should it actually apply to him now?
"Oh, that...I made that for Aki!! I showed her how to place the hearts.” She justified herself.
"Ahahaha, oh. I thought so…” Mikazuki covered up his disappointment and quickly grabbed a bite. "And did she copy it to your satisfaction?" he asked.
"No...she just put a heart in it...hidden in the corner somewhere! Hizen will never notice that!”
"Oh that's it...ahahaha! … So Hizen.” Mikazuki now thought he recognized that Lena wanted to bring the two closer and seemed to be amused by the thought.
Lena lied a little bit and said they have to go on a scouting mission at the nearby town/village but when they rode the horses there, there is a festival going on instead! Surprise! Ahaha. This is all going according to plan…
„Even saniwa need a break sometimes, don’t you think? And you’ve been working so hard on writing the government reports.“ Lena smiled mischievously at Aki. Maybe Tsurumaru was rubbing off on her, but giving Aki a nice surprise felt really good.
There’s a lot of people bustling around in their finest yukata for the end of summer festival. The smell of the food stalls wafted through the air. A group of children rush by, excitedly chatting about the fireworks later that evening.
Once they tie up the horses, Lena grabs Aki by the hand to take her to see the shops. Before Aki can say anything, Lena says, „Don’t get any weird ideas about why I brought Mikazuki. It’s not because I especially want him here. He’s capable and has a lot of experience, considering he’s older… Yagen was busy—that’s all!“
Then quickly changes the topic to point out an accessories shop and picking out cute ornaments for Aki’s hair.
Aki give Lena a big grin and think: ‚yeah yeah for suuuure. Which of his experiences could be useful at a festival…?‘
When Lena was already putting on a hair ornament for Aki, this distracted her from her thoughts.
„Ah no, I don’t need that at all…“ as she looked at herself in the mirror with shining eyes.
The shopkeeper nodded in agreement when they saw Aki wearing the hairpin. „The pink sakura flowers are perfect for you!“
„You definitely need it!“ Lena insisted, not taking ‚no‘ for an answer. „She looks beautiful, isn’t that right, Hizen?“
Hizen averted his gaze somewhere else – was he shy? Who knew – and said quietly, „…I know more about killing then fashion… but, yes… Did you drag me out here for compliments?!“
Mikazuki laughed his usual laugh. „Ha ha ha, you should enjoy yourself more. Look at how happy the masters are.“
Lena whipped out her purse and paid the shopkeeper for the hairpin. She wanted to gift Aki something to remember today by, and to thank her for all the hard work she always did around the Honmaru. The four of them left the accessories shop and slowly made their way to the food area. There were certainly going to be stalls with dango and taiyaki, and maybe Lena would get some inspiration for a new dish…
Tired, Lena and Aki stood next to Heshikiri Hasebe, who called everyone together as irregularities in the story were reported. They shouldn’t have extended their slumber party like that last night. But it was just great to chat about girls stuff and play games together. After Heshikiri held them a lecture for overdoing it, he finally got to the point: “Uchigatana Yoshiyuki Mutsunokami! Tantou Toushiro Yagen! Wakizashi Tadahiro Hizen! And team boss will be Tachi Munechika Mikazuki! The government has said that the Saniwa will occasionally accompany Touken Danshis to hone their skills and gain a better understanding of what is happening. So this time you will take our masters with you for support. Their abilities will certainly be of great use to you. … And woe, what happens to them, do you understand?” Typical Heshikiri, always worried about the masters. So worried that he would like to come himself.
The team packed everything up. Aki didn’t like the new announcement that much, preferring to focus on healing. Lena, on the other hand, could hardly wait, although she would have liked to improve her martial arts a little beforehand. Aki teased her: „No problem, we have Mikazuki on the team, who’s very experienced, isn’t he, Lena?“ And whispered so that only she could hear: „And he’ll save you from any trouble!“ !” and before Lena could say anything else, Aki handed her two omamoris. „Give them to Yagen and Mikazuki, will you? I’ll distribute the rest to the others.” When Lena went to Yagen, he suddenly stretched out his hand and put it on her forehead. „No, you don’t have a fever…strange. Your cheeks are slightly red, so I thought you would get sick.“ Lena replied: „I’m fine!! Here’s an omamori for you.” And then she went to Mikazuki to give him one. „Ahaha, how thoughtful, I’ll cherish it ^^“ „You should use it when needed!“ she lectured him.
While coming back to Lena, Aki noticed that she and Mikazuki were still talking. In Akis‘ opinion, the two were too far apart. Aki walked towards her. While trying to stumble well, she bumped into Lena in the process, so she inevitably bumped into Mikazuki. „Oh sorry! I was so clumsy again and stumbled. I’m sorry 😋” Mikazuki caught Lena: “Be careful! I got you!” Lena looked straight at him and admired his beautiful eyes. She could look at them for hours. Then she remembered the mission. She immediately freed herself from his arms. „Okay…good“ she said and adjusted her chain. „Then surely it’s time to leave? Let’s show the HRA that they can’t just do whatever they want!” Then the journey through time began.
Arrived, they scouted out their surroundings. Aki briefed the team on the time, place, and events. Mutsunokami was very enthusiastic about her knowledge: „Wow, Master Aki, you were really busy studying!“ to which Hizen called him a f*ck*ng sycophant. Mikazuki advised the two girls to stay in the background and let them do the work. „But we each have a short sword with us!“ Lena protested. „It’s okay, Lena,“ Aki said, „he’s the captain and knows what’s best.“ Lena knew that Aki was right, but she wanted so badly…
And then 3 enemies jumped out of the bushes and attacked. Mutsu, Yagen, and Hizen fought them while Mikazuki already saw the next one coming out of the air. Zap! And already the fight raged. Aki and Lena watched everything from their hiding place. Suddenly a fifth came towards the two. Lena and Aki stood back to back and tried to fend off the beast. A gap. It hit Aki in the side and knocked her to the ground.
Seeing this, Hizen immediately spun around and hit the skeleton, sending it flying. He helped Aki get up again. „Lena, take care of her! I’ll finish the beast!” Angry, he ran towards the enemy and split them in two. When the Danshis defeated all enemies, they came to Lena and Aki. „It wasn’t that easy, they were lightning fast,“ Yagen said and asked the Saniwa, „Are you two okay?“ Lena replied, „Aki is injured! We have to go home immediately!” and Aki replied when she got up: “Lena, that’s just a scratch – ouch, ah…” Lena supported her. She had put a makeshift bandage on her, just like Yagen had taught her. Hizen stared at her. He should have noticed and intervened sooner when the enemy attacked them. Then nothing would have happened to her. Hizen blamed himself. Mikazuki caught the word, „Then let’s quickly return to Honmaru.“
Mutsunokami turned to Hizen: „It’s awesome that I was able to perform the special attack with you today, wooooohoooo!“ „Just shut up!“ Hizen replied. „Heeeeh, why so aggressive. I’m not your enemy, on the contrary, actually we are friends!“
Back at the Honmaru, Aki’s wound was properly treated. Hizen waited impatiently in front of the room the whole time. When Lena and Yagen came out, he hid briefly because he didn’t want to be seen. He waited a while and then went to Aki. He assumed she was asleep by now. Standing next to her, he stared at her again, wondering if the bandage was in place. Not like his bandage, which he just wrapped around his neck in a makeshift way so no one would see his scar. Lost in thought, he didn’t notice that Aki opened her eyes. „How long are you going to stare here? Is there anything weird about me?” Hizen jumped. „Ah, you’re awake… ehm… everything ok.“ And disappeared again.
Lena came back as Hizen ran past her. „Ohooo, you had a visitor!“ she said with a grin to Aki. „That was nothing. I don’t know at all why he was here. He just stared the whole time.” Lena sighed. ‚There’s a lot of work to do…‘ she thought.
In the evening Aki was already back on his feet. However, she couldn’t walk as fast as her side would hurt. As she walked along the porch, she saw Lena sitting. To her delight, Mikazuki sat next to her. TOO FAR APART! Lena remarked to Aki, „It’s not what it looks like!“ She justified herself. „It’s okay, I’m sure you’ll evaluate today’s fight. That reminds me, I haven’t written a report yet-„ „WE WILL DO THIS! Isn’t that right, Mikazuki?” “Are we going to do that?” he smiled at her, “if you want that… yes we’ll do that,” he turned to Aki as well. „Oh, I’m glad, I don’t think I would have made it today,“ she replied and sat down with them.
Somehow Aki managed to invite everyone who came by to sit with them. By the way, they were all tantos: „Lena, could you move something over? It’s getting tight in here.” EVEN CLOSER TO MIKAZUKI?! Since Lena actually liked Mikazuki’s closeness, she moved even closer to him. Lena noticed that Mikazuki was looking at her with a nervous smile. But he didn’t back down either. There was still some space between him and the stair post. Aki was satisfied.
It was lively to have everyone together on the porch. Feels like a warm and comforting family time! But…everyone is talking at the same time:
„Aki-sama, today I—“
„I wasn’t done telling her about my new discovery!“
„How was the mission? Are you feeling better?“
„I’m so sorry you got hurt!!“
„Hey, let me finish--!!“
Then the tantos want to hold hands…!
Meanwhile Lena thought: ‚This porch is really too crowded… I’m too close now
And still need to write the report…‘
„Lena, Mikazuki, hold your hands too!“ said Akita.
„WHAT! But I can’t see, as I’m… I’m holding Aki’s hands already“ replied Lena.
Quickly Lena grabbing Aki’s hand with her two hands.
Then Lena expressed her concerns: „Um, Aki, it’s getting crowded here. How are we supposed to write a report? We need quiet for that.” As if Aki had been waiting for some sign, she said to the others while she got up: “okay, time to go to bed, I’ll accompany you into the house. Lena was surprised that everyone left so quickly. So Lena and Mikazuki had no choice but to deal with the report, just as they had promised.
Hizen sat alone on the porch, leaning against the half-open sliding door. Aki noticed from his facial expression that something wasn’t right. It might be hard for others to see as his expression might always look the same grim to others, but Aki had watched him long enough to know that something was on his mind. „I brought you dango,“ she offered, sitting down next to him. His face seemed to light up momentarily when he saw how delicious the dango looked. It wasn’t anything special, but food seemed like some kind of hobby to him. He took it „Aruji, I should have been more careful, then you wouldn’t have been hurt…“ „I’ll be fine, but how are you?“ He dodged, „I wasn’t hurt. So I have no reason to complain.” Aki had to probe several times to finally find out what Hizen was mulling over. „That idiot from Mutsu… he had to start talking about the past during our mission. He got me to the conclusion that if just one thing had gone differently, we would be living each other’s lives.
He would have become the killer sword and I might have stayed with Sakamoto. That would have been better…“ „So…?“ Aki didn’t know what to answer right away. As Hizen hung there, she felt compelled to do something about it. Hizen got a little startle when Aki approached and hugged him. To his surprise, it felt soothing and warm. He hardly knew anything like that. And what was that unknown throbbing in his chest…? Like the last time he had to sit on a horse with her and she put her arms around his waist to keep from falling off. He couldn’t place it. Aki’s hug lasted longer than he thought. „Eh…that…don’t feel sorry for me…“ he murmured. „How?...“ Aki startled „No, I…well…“ she stammered on.
„You know, what’s done is done. It’s true, it made you what you are. But that doesn’t necessarily have to be negative. You are very skilled And to be honest…um…if you were in Mutsunokami’s place he would be here now and…well…I wouldn’t like this trade that much.“ „Eeeehhhh?“ Hizen looked at her with a thousand question marks on his face.
Aki was pretty exhausted from the day and if she wasn’t careful, she would fall over again somewhere. So she decided to go to sleep. „Good night, Hizen, I think I’m going to fall over from tiredness.“ She waved at him and he looked after her in amazement.
[Flashback to previous events…]
Lena felt terribly guilty about Aki getting injured on the mission. The team returned to the Honmaru immediately, with Hizen carrying Aki, and Heshikiri Hasebe was standing there waiting at the other side of the time portal when they arrived. (How long had he been waiting there?) His face was angry with a scowl and he began scolding everyone for their carelessness and failure to protect Aki.
Yagen, always the logical one, reassured that he inspected Aki’s side thoroughly and the wound was not serious.
„Aki-dono just needs some rest,“ Yagen said, to try and calm down the raging Hasebe. „Will you quiet down, otherwise she won’t be able to sleep with your shouting.“
After Aki’s wound had been properly treated and re-bandaged, Lena knelt at Aki’s side and took her hand.
„I’m sorry I didn’t protect you better,“ she sniffed. „I’ll have to get stronger, and do better next time.“
Lena knew Aki did not blame her for what happened, but still her heart hurt at seeing her friend in pain.
„The government won’t be happy to hear that a saniwa got injured.“ Lena continued. „I take full responsibility for the occurrence. I don’t want any of the Touken Danshi blamed for what happened.“
After Yagen and Lena left Aki’s room, out of the corner of her eye she saw Hizen hanging around the corner in the shadows. He was waiting for them to leave so he could visit Aki alone. Lena tugged on Yagen’s sleeve and pulled him closer to whisper, „See! I knew Hizen cares about her so much. Why can’t they admit their feelings openly?“
Yagen sighed and said, „You cannot rush these matters. Perhaps you are being too impatient?“
„…You’re no fun, Yagen,“ Lena said, pouting.
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