Monday, June 6, 2022

June Updates

Hello! Not much to report these days. I've pretty much abandoned a lot of my daily blogging and journaling. I'm looking to change this in the coming days, although finding time and energy to write about my day or my feelings can be hard.

As a fishkeeping hobbyist, I am currently at 3 running tanks. A lot, I know... for most people. I have my main community tank, which is a modest 20 gallon, and two smaller ~5 gallon tanks (one is the rimless tank that I got from April's Aquarium). Today I am planning to pick up a free new tank from someone with Lan's help. 

Honestly, I rescued almost all my fish and I am looking forward to the future where I can purchase the breeds of fish I want. Some notable species that I am a fan of are harlequin rasboras, cardinal tetras, and... IDK yet, but I'm keeping my options open.

For my friend's birthday in May, we went out to Salt Spring Island and stayed at a lovely beachfront cabin: Mineral Springs Resort. I had quite a relaxing time seeing the sights on the Gulf Islands and I must say that island life definitely seems enlightening. We even got the chance to visit Qualicum Beach, which is where my first doggo Jacks was born! I still remember the day we drove to pick him up in 2010 like it was yesterday. :)

I am also going camping up at Lac Le Jeune this weekend with a couple close friends. I have felt the need to be close to nature recently, to recharge my mental batteries. Although I consider myself a city girl at heart, I much lament humanity's disconnect from Mother Nature. Hopefully this camping experiencing will aid me in my heart's search for contentedness. 

1 comment:

Behave yourself, now. ;)