Friday, July 5, 2013

July 2013

Sigh... July is my month, and summer is my season. However, for some reason, I am not feeling at full 100%. I wonder why that is so? Days pass by in a haze. I wonder if this is simply adult life.

I recently purchased a 13" Macbook Air from the Apple Store. The laptop is very light and thin, but the price was hefty (as to be expected). In celebration of this purchase, I figure I might as well start writing again. Although a quote from the movie Contagion stated "Blogging is not writing. It's just graffiti with punctuation". Which may or may not be true, but at least writing down thoughts can bring coherence to things.

Sparkling wine and fruity drinks on International Lolita Day.
1 June 2013

Unfortunately, dyed my hair dark again. (I miss light hair...)
29 June 2013

1 comment:

  1. I really like your haircut. I wish I could a hair like yours.
    Dark brown is really a beautiful color for hairs ;)


Behave yourself, now. ;)