The shriek of the tea kettle interrupted her thoughts. Karelosina jerked her head up and smoothed out her wrinkled shirt. She wondered if she smelled like sweat, then decided it didn’t matter. Their commander had pushed them hard that day. They had lugged heavy weapons around and run laps wearing armour. Karelosina knew there would be no point in pretending she was a lady; he would have laughed if she had tried to be more feminine. Besides, she preferred to reserve that side of herself for the underground clubs. Not that he needed to know about her extracurricular activities. Kraut happened to be a stickler for the rules.
Kraut stepped out of the kitchen moments later. She saluted him and praised the Fuhrer, knowing full well the mocking tone she employed. The corners of his mouth curved up a little. He placed the platter of cake on the table. Her stomach rumbled as she eyed the glistening cherries and dollops of cream.
“That looks wunderbar.” Karelosina leaned over and grabbed the biggest piece. “Danke.”
Kraut took a seat across from her. “I thought you didn’t like Black Forest cake.”
“I told you that?” Karelosina asked, holding the fork mid-way to her lips. “Gott, if you know that secret, you probably know all of them.”
Kraut watched her swallow a mouthful of cake. “You do talk a lot.”
“Don’t say that like it’s a bad thing, Mr. I’m So Serious!” Karelosina grinned. “Remember when I played that flower prank on Krachtallie?”
He nodded. “You told her the bouquet was from Brutus.”
Karelosina sighed in satisfaction. “Ah, yes. I’ve never seen anyone turn so red. The only reason you didn’t warn her about the itching powder is because you were too shy. Otherwise, you would’ve ratted me out.”
“I’m not shy,” Kraut said mildly. “I’d say that I’m considerate.”
“And I’m not?”
“You’ve led me on more wild goose chases than I can count. In cemeteries.”
“Then I suppose you can’t count very high.” Karelosina returned to her cake. “That was only once, might I add, and my memory is superior to yours. There’s no way you have room to remember anything after all the brooding you do.”
“Fine. I concede. But could you do me a favour?”
“Sure,” she managed to say through her full mouth. “What is it?”
Kraut smiled. “Could you save me a piece? A small one would do.”
Karelosina looked at the platter and realized she had eaten most of the cake without realizing it. Apologies teetered in the edge of her tongue, but she pulled them back when Kraut started to laugh. She rolled her eyes and made a show of licking her plate clean. That only made him laugh more. Normally, Karelosina hated being the object of a joke. She preferred to tease others. But this time she didn’t mind. Kraut rarely expressed himself like this. When he smiled at her, she realized that he truly was a handsome young man. If only he were more like...
“Where did you learn your table manners?”
Karelosina shrugged. “I’m a bad girl. Manners are the least of my concerns.”
“I’d say so.” He maintained eye contact for a second too long. Karelosina winked, expecting him to laugh, but he looked out the window. “In any case, I hope you enjoyed it. That’s the only thing I’ve ever learned to make.”
“Now you’re the one divulging secrets.” Karelosina leaned back and stretched. “But the cake really was delicious. I’d rather be talented in one area than mediocre in all the others. Most people are average at best.”
“I suppose.” He took a breath, his shoulders slouching on the exhale. “There’s a reason I brought you here. I’m sure you’re aware of that.”
“Of course I am,” she said. “The sugar didn’t ruin my brain.”
“I’ll cut to the chase. You’re going to be working in the labs tomorrow.”
“The labs?” she repeated. “But I was told—”
“It doesn’t matter. Official orders.” He finally looked at her. “It won’t be so bad. I know you like spending time with your friend Krachtallie, but she’ll still be doing field training. You won’t miss anything important.”
“How long will I be down there?”
Kraut hesitated. “I wasn’t told the specifics.”
“Didn’t they tell you anything?” Karelosina got to her feet, hoping that her knees wouldn’t buckle beneath her. “I refuse to go along with this. I’m not even qualified to perform any sort of experiments. This is madness. I can’t—”
“He asked for you specifically.”
Karelosina’s blood rushed in her ears. “Who?”
“Don’t be stubborn. You know we only have one doctor at our base.” Kracht’s expression changed when he saw the look on her face. She tried to hide it, but she couldn’t. He stood and placed his hands on her shoulders. “What’s the matter? You look like you’re going to cry at any moment. This is hardly anything to get worked up about.”
She stiffened. “I’m not a child. I know tears are useless.”
“All right.” He dropped his arms. “I’ll tell Nacht that you start tomorrow.”
“Do that. Tell him I look forward to his...charming company.”
Karelosina brushed past him before he could make another mechanical comment. This wasn’t Kraut’s fault. Still, she couldn’t stand being in his presence. Maybe he really was just a pawn of the Nazis. Before she knew what she was doing, Karelosina was out the door and running down the stairs. She needed fresh air. When she was locked up doing experiments, she would be suffocated by formaldehyde. She would fall asleep to the screams of children. Eyes would change colour in her dreams, and follow her everywhere she went. That was the kind of life she’d have the next time she woke up.
Krachtallie’s face appeared in her mind. Her beste Freundin. Krachtallie created poison from flowers like bees created honey. Karelosina suddenly found that she could breathe a little easier. This idea could work with a little careful planning. Karelosina slid her hands into her pockets, relieved when she found her knife where she had left it. Yes, this would turn out just fine. Nacht wouldn’t have time to remember what she had done to him. And he to her.
Her boot would crush Nacht’s face as he gasped his last breaths, as he begged for mercy.
Her smile was the last thing he would ever see.
Karelosina would make sure of it.
Gott in Himmel! German saga goodness!!! I'm so stoked right now, this is amazing. Haha, Brutus shout-out! & cemetery references oh my~ this is gold. GOLD~~
ReplyDeleteI'm so pleased:):) (Roxas 200...9? Or 2008 LOL I have incorrect citations o well!!) PLZ WRITE MOAR~~!!!•___•/
o m g roxas! that poor, poor dear~ ...lol he would hate me for calling him that. i'm sorry!! we all know he is very mature. =o= i'm glad you like this though. i think i'm like a broken record when i say i love the german saga. xD; idk you just plotted everything out so well! it just flows like honey when i write.
ReplyDeletekeep inspiring me~ and then...i'll keep filling your blog with words. that you like, hopefully!! (:
i can't stress this enough...pls write moar! i'd be really happy to read the workings of ur creative mind at the close of 2011!
I love the revenge concept against Nacht. Maybe he killed/offended/caused an amputated limb/put in a coma Karelosina's father (it was his fault!) and.. as I recall, Karelosina's mother was an "escort"-type? Haha IDK all I know is Kraut's parents love him to bits and his dad is this cheery bub with a tummy and cheer akin to Santa. XD