Greetings, wherever you are at the moment! I am lame beyond belief and have been humming “Let it Snow” pretty much all day. I need to stop that, right? Right! XD But I only started to do that cause, well, it started to snow. At least Christmas tunes make sense now and I wasn’t bastardizing classics during the summer (was there ever a warmer or more wonderful season? ;w;) I was blinded by flurries of snowflakes as I wandered, I tell ya! Everyone is panicking in typical British style; no, we won’t freeze. C’mon guys, remember what Maya had to endure and think twice before complaining!! I want to go tobogganing. AND I WILL. O lol lol. Although the last time I went I got bruises all over cause of crashing into those potato sacks or whatever. It’s fun on your way down but coming to a stop hurts. Oh, sweet, sweet pain…there are plenty of winter activities that will make you kiss your money goodbye. Things like a spa in the mountains. Sleigh rides. Restaurants with a cozy fireplace ambience. Everything entices me so easily. Damn tourist traps!
I am so delighted right now; you have no idea…or perhaps you do. Hehe. Why is the Epik4 amazing? Because we said so. Everyone else can just deal with it. I mean, we share an elaborate world with our friends! We haven’t succumbed to the grayness of reality. People who just work and sit around herping & derping (xD!!!) have no idea what they’re missing out on! I for one quite enjoy keeping my imagination alive. However, this is only possible with the support of my dear Karelos! I don’t wanna be too sappy cause I know that’s unappealing but I just adore her~ *long pause* …and those other guys. D; LOL I’m kidding, it’s a family of well-loved individuals except Noctis wait what, I never said that okay! He does look different though. Not that I would know because I’m not all up in his face on a regular basis.
…not that anyone else is. MOVING ALONG. Besides I’m sure he’s a busy man now, wrapping up production on his game. Or not. It’s impossible that it’s not done yet! I mean, if Cloud were in charge, everything would have met the deadline long ago. But Noctis doesn’t wanna follow rules so things stretch on forever. Someone needs to tell him to get a move on. Although he’s probably delaying release because he’s aghast at the thought of being seen with Stella. XD
“Her face takes up the whole screen. No one will even see me. Pity.”
Possibly he’s a diva in that dark, dark heart of his. I mean, he does have tons of crystals everywhere… o gawd I hope he doesn’t resent my comment, ahaha. It’s harmless okay. Don’t use one of your countless weapons on me, please!
“Why don’t you ask Karelos about my special weapon?”
Here, I have something for you! It’s a family portrait of sorts. And it’s rather…scary. I mean, just look at the outfits! There are plenty of things I could’ve done with this colour scheme but no, I went with this stuff. LOLOLOL. Noctis and Joshua chose to opt out because they knew what would happen to them at my hands. xDD Roxas really got the short end of the stick. Hope he’s not traumatized for life!! Cloud knows he’ll never live it down, either...!

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