Monday, August 22, 2022


I knew it wasn't love
But still I fell
It was a want, like any other
Craving for an iced white mocha
Or a steak, fried medium rare

I didn't see a future
But I saw your eyes
A mirror reflecting my heart
Your touch, sinful ecstasy

I chose to fall 

Thursday, August 18, 2022

New laptop!

Hewwo! I bit the bullet and finally got a new laptop for my online appointments. And, although this may be bold and coming prematurely, perhaps I could actually start writing my story ideas again?! Who knows, but the sky is the limit here. (Too bad I don't have wings...!!!)

I got the Microsoft Surface Go 2 256GB in the Sage colour, which is supposed to be tinted green. In reality it's very, very subtle and looks more like a dark grey. Bonus: Light solid build, and has touch screen capabilities!

I'm thrilled to put my gangsta Chikorita sticker on my laptop! She looks super cute and ready to kick ass and take names. Fun fact, Chikorita was my very first starter in Pokemon Silver! Yes, kiddo K picked her starter based on which looked the cutest and friendliest. I think she made a fine choice!

I also picked up the Arc mouse, which is curved and kinda gimmicky imo hahaha but a wireless mouse seems v convenient to have. Let's hope I have more of an online presence going forward with my new tech!