Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Exciting news! I impulse-bid on an auction and wound up getting Chess Chocolate's Jabot JSK in pink~ like I wanted. The headbow is even more beautiful than my last!   But I have to sell a pair of my Royal Queen OTK since now I have two pairs in pink, which I don't even need because I promised I'd swear off buying OTK socks for a while. ^^" It's hard because I really love OTK socks!!! especially from AP...

I also splurged on a lockshop wig~ chocolate cherry amo-inspired wig from their website. I think I want to wear this + chess choco to the fashion show in April! we shall see... My anchovy wanted a more mature girlfriend, but I ended up being more... childish... /flails  I can't help my love for the elegant and sweet lolita fashion. I wish I could wear the fashion all the time but people don't seem to appreciate alternative fashion... I'm just so shy! But i have to make a goal and achieve the goal~ which is to attend the convention this year, dress up in 2 outfits, and also... To take a photo in the snow (christmas ??!!) with my Holy Night Story. T.T  I must!!!!!

Gorgeous dress is mine *^^* Wallet cries!!! But hey, "YOLO"!

I cannot wait. Ever since I sold my OP I wanted to re-buy this in the JSK style. I find the princess OP and regular OP are too "formal" for my liking... My lolita style is casual and otome, and because of my self-consciousness I prefer to mix lolita into a style/version I can get away with in everyday situations. (Which is one of the many reasons why I love ETC.)

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Mikasa & Annie

(A/N: I prefer to spell Annie's last name as "Leonhart" because that is technically the correct way to spell the name. "レオンハート" is the Japanese writing, which some people translate as "Leonhardt" with that random "d". For the Final Fantasy fans out there, this is the same last name as FF8's Squall Leonhart.)