Saturday, March 8, 2025

Lena's Family

Hikawa Lena

Hikawa Wataru
Lena's younger brother who became an idol. He enjoys singing and performing musicals on stage, and started modelling since he was a child. They only recently connected, as Lena was unaware she had any siblings before he visited their Honmaru one summer.

Munechika Kasumi

Munechika Kaito

Munechika Kairi

Munechika Kenji
Lena's youngest son. He has short dark hair that curves up into two 'ears' on top of his head, and slightly longer bangs on one side. He is a quiet boy who is very shy and doesn't talk unless he is spoken to. Out of all the children in his family, he is the most clingy, preferring to stay by his mother's side than play with his friends. 

Friday, March 7, 2025

Graduation day was approaching, and that meant that final exams were starting soon. Lena and Aki sat together in the library, their textbooks open before them. Studying was never Lena's strong suit, so she asked Aki to help refresh her on the main subjects. 

When it came time for a break, Aki spoke up. "Say, Lena-chan... What are you planning to do after graduation?"

"Probably take some time off before applying to university," Lena responded automatically. This was the same answer she always said whenever anyone asked. "What about you?"

Aki hesitated for a moment before answering with a small smile. "Well… Hizen-kun and I were thinking about… moving in together, maybe?"

Lena's eyes widened. That was a big step.

"Wow," she said, setting her pencil down. "Congratulations."

"It's not official yet. We're still figuring things out, but… yeah! I'm excited!" Aki said cheerily. You could tell she was in a good mood about the idea. 

Just then, Aki's phone buzzed. Speak of the devil. She glanced at the screen and immediately stood up.

"It's Hizen-kun! I'll be right back."

Lena watched as her best friend disappeared around the corner, leaving her alone with her thoughts. She sighed, leaning back in her chair. 

The truth was, she wasn’t really sure what her next steps were. Originally, she and Shokudaikiri had planned to apply to the same schools. But that was long gone in the wind.

Maybe she'd travel a bit. Maybe she'd take on more hours at the flower shop, or find another job. Mikazuki had mentioned something about--

Before Lena became too lost in her thoughts, Aki returned, looking flustered but happy.

"Sorry about that! He wanted to know when we'd be finished today so he could walk me home."

Lena grinned. "You two are really joined at the hip, huh? We've only been here for a bit over an hour!"

"Oh, please. As if you and a certain tutor aren't the same way," Aki teased Lena back. "I'm sure Mikazuki-sensei wishes he were helping you study."

Shaking her head, Lena looked straight into Aki's eyes. "No matter what, let's promise to always make time for each other. Even after graduation, OK?"

Aki was surprised at Lena’s sudden seriousness. "Of course."

"You promise?"

"Yes. It's a promise!"

Tuesday, March 4, 2025


Snow began to fall as the sun disappeared quickly behind the mountains. It was nearly closing time, and Lena was getting ready to lock up Fukushima's flower shop for the night. 

When she reached for the shop keys, the bell above the door chimed and Mikazuki walked in. She was surprised to see him so late in the day.

"Hi Mikazuki." 

"Hello, Lena. I saw the lights were still on."

"I was just about to lock up." Lena twirled the keys in her fingers. "Did you... need something?"

Mikazuki looked around at the flowers surrounding them, then directly at her. "Actually, I do."

"Another bouquet?" 

"No... just a moment with you." 

"...Ah." Lena felt her face get hot. Did he really only come to see her?

"I'll walk you home," he offered. "If you don't mind."

She hesitated for a moment and glanced toward the window. Snowflakes swirled under the streetlights and layered on the ground in a pure white blanket.

"Are you sure?" Lena asked. "It's really coming down out there."

"Even more reason for me to walk with you," Mikazuki insisted. 

He smiled and Lena thought for a moment that she might be dreaming. She nodded before she could overthink it. 

"Okay then. Thank you!"

She finished zipping up her coat. When she looked up, Mikazuki was already holding the door open for her.


As Lena turned the key to finish locking up the shop, a strong, icy breeze tore through the alleyway. The storm seemed to be growing by the minute. 

Mikazuki checked his phone. His place was closer than hers. It would make more sense to take shelter at his home for the meantime, but what would Lena think of the idea? 

He slipped his phone back into his coat pocket and watched as Lena pulled her scarf tightly around her neck, her breath visible in the cold night air.

"The weather's getting worse," he remarked. "Since your place is farther... Would you rather wait out the storm at my home?"

Lena blinked up at him. "At your place?" she echoed. The suggestion was logical, but the idea of being alone with him in his home made her heart race.

"It's just until the storm eases up," he reassured her. "I promise, I won't do anything to make you uncomfortable."

"That's not it... I know you wouldn't." Lena bit her lip. It was cold, and she wasn't dressed for trekking through a worsening snowstorm. The idea of warmth was tempting, especially if Mikazuki was offering it.

"...Okay," she agreed quietly. "Just until the snow lets up."

Mikazuki smiled as he extended a hand. "Shall we?"

Lena took his hand, letting him lead the way. The snow continued to fall around them, but the warmth of his fingers in hers made the cold feel a lot farther away. As they walked, the sound of their footsteps crunching in the fresh snow filled the air.

"By the way, Kogi really liked the bouquet you made him," Mikazuki said. "It really cheered him up while he was recovering."

"I'm glad," Lena replied. She blushed as she added, "I can't believe I mistook him for a woman, I'm so embarrassed!"

"Hahaha. I'm sorry that I made you worry."

"I didn't mean to be," Lena said, as complicated emotions washed over her. "You're allowed to be friends with anyone you want."

"Yes, but they're just friends." Mikazuki squeezed her hand reassuringly. "Please remember that."

By the time they reached the entrance to his building, her coat and scarf were covered with snow and her face felt numb. Mikazuki released her hand to unlock the door, and they stepped into the warmth of the lobby.

Lena sighed, rubbing her hands together. "That got bad fast."

Mikazuki brushed some snow off her shoulders before leading her to the elevator. "Then it was a good decision to come here."

Lena tried not to read too much into that. She followed him in silence up to his floor, trying to squash her nervousness. Inside Mikazuki's apartment, the space was tidy and minimalist, with deep blue tones that suited him. A faint flowery scent lingered in the air, and there was also the faint scent of tea leaves.

"You can take off your coat," he said, already removing his own. "I'll make something warm to drink."

Mikazuki disappeared into the kitchen. Lena pulled off her scarf and unbuttoned her coat, hanging them near the door. She felt oddly small in his space, as if stepping into a different world. It was interesting to see how he lived, like she was seeing another part of him. 

She wandered toward the window, watching the snow continue to fall in thick sheets.

"You really can't see anything out there now," she murmured.

"Looks like you'll have to stay for a while," Mikazuki said, appearing beside her with two cups of tea. 

Lena wrapped her hands around the warm cup, unsure if the heat rising to her face was from the tea or his closeness. "I guess so," she said softly.

Mikazuki watched her for a moment, then smiled. "Why don't you get washed up then?"

He brought Lena a towel and showed her to the bathroom. He also gave her one of his shirts to wear in the meantime. Lena held the soft fabric of Mikazuki's shirt in her hands. It was a long-sleeved turtleneck sweater, and the fabric felt luxuriously soft in her fingers. 

Lena quickly washed up, patting her damp hair dry with the towel before slipping into the oversized sweater. It fit large on her and fit more like a dress, and the sleeves were too long, but it was warm and comfortable. She realized how intimate the situation was: she was in his home, borrowing his clothes, and spending time with him late in the night. It felt kind of like she was his... girlfriend?

When she stepped out of the bathroom, Mikazuki was in the living room, sitting on the couch with a second cup of tea. He looked up as she entered and Lena thought she saw a flash of surprise on his face.

"That suits you," he commented. 

Lena tugged at the hem self-consciously. "It's really warm. Thank you."

Mikazuki smiled, patting the seat beside him. "Come sit."

She joined him, tucking her legs up. It was comfortable, sitting here like this, despite the strange fluttering in her chest. She actually wanted to speak and say something to him, but no words came out. For a moment, they just listened to the wind howling outside, enjoying each other's company. 

When Mikazuki finished his tea, he set his cup down. "You might have to stay the night."

Lena stiffened. "What?"

"Just logically speaking," he said. "It’s late, and the roads will be difficult to walk through."

She bit her lip. He was right. But the idea of staying overnight at Mikazuki's apartment was...

"Don't worry," he added. "You can take the bed. I can sleep on the couch."

"That's... really nice of you..." Lena took a deep breath and tried to steady herself for what she was about to say next, "...but you don't have to take the couch!" 

Mikazuki blinked at her sudden outburst, then chuckled softly. "Are you suggesting we share the bed?"

Lena's face went up in flames. "N-No! I mean!" She fumbled her words, waving her hands, "I just feel bad making you sleep on the couch in your own home!"

"I know," he said, "but I don't want you to feel guilty. Just make yourself comfortable."

"I am comfortable! ...So... do you... wanna share the bed with me?" Lena asked shyly.

"Are you asking because you want me to, or because you feel bad?"

"…Both," she admitted quietly.

"If I say yes, will you regret it?"

Lena hesitated. The rational part of her knew this was a ridiculous idea. But another part of her, really, really wanted to be with him.

"No," she said softly. "I wouldn't regret it."

Something flickered in Mikazuki's eyes that sent a shiver down her spine. 

"Then," he murmured, "I'll share the bed with you."


Mikazuki stepped out of the bathroom, dressed in a t-shirt and loose pants. His dark hair was slightly damp. Lena had to look away before she embarrassed herself with how much she was staring. 

"Comfortable?" He was amused by how she had already burrowed herself under the blankets. 

Lena nodded quickly, though her heart was still racing. Mikazuki turned off the bedside lamp, leaving only the faint glow from the city lights outside. He slid into bed beside her and Lena held her breath. She could feel his warmth, even though they weren't touching.

"Are you nervous?"

"No," she lied.

He laughed. "You're terrible at lying."

Lena hid her face with the blanket, "Of course I’m nervous," she mumbled. "We're student and teacher, technically..." 

Mikazuki's expression was thoughtful, but not surprised. He had been thinking something similar for a long time, only now, he felt differently about the matter than before.

"I'm just your tutor," he reminded gently. "And the substitute history teacher for now."

"But it would be weird if people found out, right? I mean, you’re still in a position of authority."

"If it bothers you, we can wait. But you should know... I'm not going to change my mind about you."

His voice was calm. There was no hesitation, no uncertainty. Just quiet confidence, the same way he always was. 

Lena sighed. "You make this so hard, you know that?"

He chuckled. "I'm told I can be difficult sometimes."

Gathering all the courage she had, Lena shuffled her body closer to Mikazuki's. She wanted to cuddle. Mikazuki went still the moment Lena moved closer. 

Maybe this was a bad idea, she thought. Maybe she was overstepping... But Mikazuki lifted his arm slightly, inviting her in. Lena swallowed and, heart pounding, snuggled herself against him. His warmth immediately surrounded her.

"…So you really are bold when you want to be." 

Lena hid her face against his chest. "Don't tease me right now."

He rested his chin lightly on the top of her head, placing his arm around her back.

"Better?" he murmured.

Lena nodded. "Yeah."

"Good." Mikazuki tightened his hold on her just slightly.

"Is this... another practice situation?" Lena whispered.

Mikazuki didn't answer right away. "You always ask me that," he murmured.

Lena's fingers gripped the edge of the blanket. "Because I never know."

Mikazuki propped himself up on one elbow so he could see her more clearly. Lena looked up at him. She could make out his features in the dim light, so incredibly beautiful.  

"If this were practice," he said slowly, "would you be disappointed?"

She didn't know how to answer that. If it was practice, then none of this truly meant anything. But if it wasn't--if Mikazuki actually...

"I don't know," she finally admitted. Her voice was a whisper.

Mikazuki reached out to touch her cheek. "This isn't practice, Lena. Not anymore." 

Lena's lips parted in surprise. She had thought about this possibility before, but never imagined hearing it. Hearing him say it so simply, so easily, made her head spin. 

“…It isn't?”

"I wouldn’t say that if I didn't mean it."

"Then… what happens now?" Lena clutched the blanket, her mind scrambling to catch up with her emotions. 

"Now?" He reached out again, this time patting her on the top of her head and ruffling her hair. "Now, you sleep!"

Lena blinked. "Wait, that’s it? You confess, and then--"

Mikazuki only laughed. "We can talk more in the morning. Unless you'd rather stay up all night thinking about it."

"This is impossible!" Lena groaned, turning onto her back and covering her face with her hands. As she tried to process everything, something nagged at the back of her mind.

"Oh no!" She suddenly sat up, startling Mikazuki. "I forgot to text Granny! She's going to be worried sick!"

Mikazuki watched her scrambling to find her phone. "You should let her know, then."

Lena quickly unlocked her phone, her fingers moving fast as she typed a message.

[ Lena: Granny! I'm safe! I got caught in the snowstorm after work. ]

A response came almost immediately.

[ Granny: Good. Where are you? ]

Lena hesitated for a moment before replying.

[ Lena: Mikazuki's place. ]

She stared at the screen, fully expecting a scolding or at least some worried questions. Instead, her grandmother's next message made her jaw drop.

[ Granny: Have fun! ]

Lena was shocked. "What?!" She almost dropped her phone.

Mikazuki leaned toward her. "What did she say?"

Lena turned her phone to show him the screen, still too stunned for words. He read the message and then laughed in amusement.

"Your grandmother is quite… open-minded."

"That's one way to put it!" Lena exclaimed. "I was expecting her to be upset, or... tell me to get home as soon as possible! Not... Not this!"

"Well, I suppose that means you don't have to worry about her being upset."

Lena peeked at her phone again, as if the message might change. But no, it was still there: 'Have fun!'

"I feel like I should correct her," she muttered. "I mean, she probably thinks--"

"Thinks what?" Mikazuki asked, smiling innocently. "That we're up to something?"

Lena let out a cry. "You're enjoying this way too much!"

She flopped back onto the bed. Her grandmother's approval wasn't something she had expected tonight, and it only made her feelings more complicated. "...I’ll deal with it in the morning."

Mikazuki pulled the blanket over both of them. "A wise decision."

Lena snuggled back into Mikazuki's arms and closed her eyes, enjoying the warmth of the blanket and Mikazuki's presence beside her. Just spending this time together was enough for Lena, even if her grandmother was clearly rooting for something more.


Mikazuki let out a breath, careful not to disturb the sleeping girl nestled against his chest.

Having Lena in his arms felt like a dream. When had he started caring about her this much?

He was curious about her from the moment they first met. She was kind, determined, and stubborn in a way that amused him. At first, teasing her had been enough, watching the way she reacted, the way she tried to act unaffected by him.

But somewhere along the way, all of that changed.

Maybe it was the way she always pushed forward, even when things got difficult. Maybe it was the way she tried to hide her vulnerabilities, but still let him catch glimpses of them. 

He hadn't meant to fall for her. But now, with Lena curled up against him, Mikazuki realized there was no turning back.

His fingers rubbed against her back as he held her close. He liked how small she felt in his arms, not because she was weak, but because it made him want to protect her.

It was strange. He had never been the type to get attached, never been one to chase after something uncertain. But with Lena…

Lena might not have said the words outright, but the way she allowed herself to rest against him now told him everything he needed to know.

She wanted him. She trusted him. 

Mikazuki never thought of himself as the possessive type, but--having Lena curled against him, knowing she had chosen to stay--awakened something deep within him. Something that whispered, She’s mine now.

And he liked that. More than he probably should. He could be patient. If she needed time, he would give it to her.

But one thing was certain.

Lena had already become his.

Mikazuki felt a jolt of excitement as the realization settled deep in his chest.

Beneath the blanket, Lena shifted slightly, her breath warm against his chest. He felt the soft weight of her fingers grasping at his shirt, unconsciously holding onto him.

Mikazuki smiled to himself, tilting his head slightly so his lips brushed the top of her head.

She had no idea what she had started.

But he was in no rush. Because whether she realized it or not…

She wasn't just his.

He was hers, too.

Vacation Chapter 5 + Brainstorming

I got some ideas for writing... Maya canons LOL not headcanons, dude she's my OC! Obviously she has real facts about her character haha.


-When in a pinch, she uses the name 'Daisy' as an alias - after her friend, Blue's sister.

-Blue and Maya never officially dated and were a couple - why? Well, after Maya became Champion and lost to Red, their friend group fell apart and went their separate ways. It wasn't until later that she reconnected with Blue during the period she lived in Goldenrod with Ethan.

-Dated Curtis for a bit... but the Idol life was too exhausting for Maya, who doesn't have the personality to be in the spotlight. They still remain in touch and remain cordial, though Maya was the one who initiated the breakup.

-Now that she is in Galar, the incident in the Pokemon den caused her to lose her wallet! Fortunately she always kept important documents, such as her Passport and Trainer ID, in the breast pocket of her coat. However, now that she's in a situation where she needs some cash... what odd jobs might she pick up?