Saturday, April 21, 2018


Last night, a bunch of us from work hit the bar and fun times ensued. It was really cool to have a drink and kick back with some beloved coworkers. I am grateful for the impromptu meet up, because I really needed some down time. I'm really grateful for some of the people I work with, they have always been kind to me and I am fortunate to be friends with them.

Today I woke up in a daze and went to eat lunch with my mum. We had a hearty breakfast at Cora and drank several cups of coffee. I thank the Lord for such a blissful afternoon; the sun was shining down and there was a pleasant breeze.

My pup and I went out for a stroll, and I opened up Pokemon Go again for the first time in and while and started playing. I took over two gyms near Royal Oak skytrain and before ya knew it, I had some fellow Valor teammates deposit their Pokemon in the gym alongside me.

Yeah, you know what, I do still play Pokemon Go. It's not outdated for me, as I only open the app to check for monsters once in a while. And heck, I love Pokemon and always will. :') But the main inspiration for me is an older coworker who is on the Instinct team who still plays, and seeing him play spurred me to action to play again as well.

Man, there are a lot of swablus where I live. But still not enough to get my altaria. I want a shiny pokemon, I see my friends getting the cute pink shiny mareeps... where can I get one? Haha.

In other news, my pupper is having a bit of a skin problem so tomorrow I'll be bringing him to the vet after church. I feel like this year is bringing a lot of changes in my life. I hope it's for the better but I really can't be sure. I'm mostly at peace, but I find myself doubting what the future has in store. No use overthinking it though, I guess.

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