Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Exciting news! I impulse-bid on an auction and wound up getting Chess Chocolate's Jabot JSK in pink~ like I wanted. The headbow is even more beautiful than my last!   But I have to sell a pair of my Royal Queen OTK since now I have two pairs in pink, which I don't even need because I promised I'd swear off buying OTK socks for a while. ^^" It's hard because I really love OTK socks!!! especially from AP...

I also splurged on a lockshop wig~ chocolate cherry amo-inspired wig from their website. I think I want to wear this + chess choco to the fashion show in April! we shall see... My anchovy wanted a more mature girlfriend, but I ended up being more... childish... /flails  I can't help my love for the elegant and sweet lolita fashion. I wish I could wear the fashion all the time but people don't seem to appreciate alternative fashion... I'm just so shy! But i have to make a goal and achieve the goal~ which is to attend the convention this year, dress up in 2 outfits, and also... To take a photo in the snow (christmas ??!!) with my Holy Night Story. T.T  I must!!!!!

Gorgeous dress is mine *^^* Wallet cries!!! But hey, "YOLO"!

I cannot wait. Ever since I sold my OP I wanted to re-buy this in the JSK style. I find the princess OP and regular OP are too "formal" for my liking... My lolita style is casual and otome, and because of my self-consciousness I prefer to mix lolita into a style/version I can get away with in everyday situations. (Which is one of the many reasons why I love ETC.)

1 comment:

  1. This JSK is really beautiful :D
    Will you post your coordinate when you use it? ~*


Behave yourself, now. ;)