Thursday, January 10, 2013

l'air et les étoiles

I used to write, draw, and imagine. I find it funny how, over time, that all seems to have faded away, as if I woke up one morning and the ability simply wasn't there anymore. I know that's not true, though. I stopped.

I don't know what it means to have inspiration; I knew once, but not any more. I guess I truly grew up into an adult, living only in reality.

Life is too short and
You are truly gone and
I want you to embrace me again
You were the only angel

1 comment:

  1. Imagination is never lost. Sure, it's put in the cupboard where it grows mushrooms but it's never lost.
    That's why we need artist dates to spur and encourage our creativity and imagination.
    Go on a date with your imagination. To a place that you love. Take your drawing pad and just let it happen.
    Nothing is every truly lost.


Behave yourself, now. ;)